
Front right tooth sticking out?

by  |  earlier

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my front tooth is sticking out and when i smile with my teeth that tooth slightly goes over my bottom lip and when you look from it at the right side its sticking out and very litto goin over the tooth on the right to next to it.

if i get braces will the fix that problem? i know its just a small problem but it bothers me somehow nd i see alot of people with tooth problems and shiiiz and need braces more than i do but they dont do anything about it but i want to but yet dont want taah bother my mum =/ at the same time. but will braces work?




  1. Thts the problem u noticed. But there cud be other problems as well the orthodontist cud visualise and once u get braces all problems will be attended to

  2. Usually when one tooth is out of alignment, the other teeth are also.  See an orthodontist for an exam and consult, they will explain everything that will need to be done to correct your noticeable dental problem and any other problems that you don't notice but that may cause problems later in life.  Discuss your desires with your mum, I'm sure she will understand.  Your dental problem most likely can be fixed with orthodontics.

  3. oh, yes, braces are meant to do that. You aren't a candidate for invisalign so be prepared for metal ones., But, yes, braces correct tooth problems as far as placement (like what's wrong with you), they correct some jaw issues, they correct over/under, cross bite. So, yes

  4. you're right, these days you're (regretfully) judged by your smile...

    braces will help in your situation...but fixing that small problem will cost big bucks...  

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