
Frontline Spray help!!?

by  |  earlier

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I just sprayed my cat with the frontline spray last night. When should I give her a bath. I looked and it doesn't say anything about how long you have to wait. Should I wait 24 hours or is 12 fine?





  1. Frontline is very effective if used properly.  You should wash your cat before spraying and wait a day or 2 before spraying.  If sprayed right after bathing the spray doesn't "stick" as well because the hair will be finer and your cat's natural body oils will help the spray to dissolve into her coat.  After spraying, give her a few days to soak in the spray before bathing again.  You should only have to spray her once a month unless you live in a heavily flea infested area.  I hope this helps! :)

  2. If you have an active infestation of fleas you HAVE to wait three days before and three days after application.  The newer applicatins like advantage multi for cats only has to be on  for 12 hours.  

    Good luck, fleas suck.

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