
Frontline for dogs used on my cat

by  |  earlier

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Its actually adams, and we have both dogs and cats, and my husband accidentally put the one for dogs on the cat. Its been 2 days, and now my cat is trembling all over, and seems very sick. What can I do immediately to help? How dangerous is this?




  1. instead of sitting here at the comp,go and wash the cat and get as much of the flea solution off,then go to the vets.asap

  2. It is very bad to use on cats. The medicine that repeals ticks are worse the the ones for fleas but both bad.Immediately wash the cat, I wouldn't recommend flea soap I think the safest thing would be dawn soap. There is a high chance that it will kill her please take her to the vet. If you are low on money call around and see if there is a vet office that does a payment plan.  

  3. GET TO A VET.

  4. basically the stronghold goes on weight..the dogs one will obviously cater for a heavier wouldnt give your baby 2 paracetamol if it had a temperature would u! Why ? because its smaller! It would overdose the baby...same with your cat

    its too late to wash the cat..its in the blood system now

  5. This is not good-- you need to get your cat to the emergency NOW.  

  6. well you should have immediately washed the cat. But why are you not at the emergency clinic with your cat right this very minute????

    This could possibly cause irreprable damage and/or death for this kitty. I know it was an accident but she still needs to see the vet, pronto!!!!

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