
Frontpage website looks bad on smaller screens.?

by  |  earlier

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I've got a webpage made in Frontpage 2003. When I open it on a smaller screen, all the bullets and margins are wrong. It looks terrible - what do I do so it adjusts to the right screen size?




  1. front page? do you drive a model t too?

    I make a good part of my living replacing front page systems with something that is modern and me when you are ready :)  

  2. Quit using FrontPage.

    Code the HTML yourself.

    Or better yet, use FrontPage for the basic layout, and then remove most of the unnecessary things on the page for cross-browser compliance (i.e. W3 standards), and don't use FrontPage to edit the web site anymore after that.

    The reason for this is simple. FrontPage generates a TON of extra c**p that it throws in to a web page which usually has limited use on browsers other than Internet Explorer.

    You can use Notepad++ to edit the HTML which color codes the HTML so it is easier to read. It also handles PHP, C, C++, etc.

  3. FrontPage writes a lot of Microsoft Schema code which only IE understands.  Also, there may be a problem with your hosting site not keeping the FP extensions up to date.

    I imagine that your page is written using layers which more than likely uses absolute positioning.  There is no way to make a good flexible page with absolute positioning which will adjust itself to the browser's window size.  Adjusting to different screen resolutions is another matter.

    I suggest using a free Visual Editor like NVU or Kompozer.


  4. Hi - I had the same problem.  The reason is that the contents of the page are not 'locked' in place.  Copy this code into a BLANK page in frontpage and then add your content into the text box and add background etc.  Then it should be fine :)

    <html xmlns="">


    <meta content="en-gb" http-equiv="Content-Language" />

    <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />

    <!-- #BeginEditable "doctitle" -->

    <!-- #EndEditable -->


    <body bgcolor="silver" text="black" link="black" alink="black" vlink="black" background="" bgproperties=fixed>

    <!-- 274480 -->


    <font face="myriad pro" size=+0>






    Thats the code. Good luck - if you have any trouble then add additional details to your question =)

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