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I don't have any foods sitting out on the counter. I'm 29wks pregnant and have become an absolute neat freak! But these flies came out of nowhere about 2 weeks ago and I can't get rid of them! They are also NOT shy. They like to mess with everybody. If you're eating, they are right there just flyin around your head and food and landing on you. It's disgusting. I'm so sick of these little critters. What can I do to get rid of them??? And what made them come out everywhere? I RARELY have dirty dishes. I never leave food on counters. Everything is cleaned and dusted & swept & mopped almost daily. I'm also a stay at home mom to a 3y/o. If i make her a sandwich they crawl inside of it as she's trying to eat! Everytime I think we've gotten rid of them, the next morning I wake up and there are like a bunch more!




  1. Love fruit, but hate the fruit flies. You can get rid of them pretty easily with a soda bottle trap:

    Remove the lid and label from a clean, empty plastic two-liter soda bottle.

    Carefully remove the upper third of the bottle by cutting along its circumference at approximately where the top of the label used to be.

    Put an attractive liquid such as orange juice or cider vinegar in the cup-shaped part of the now-severed bottle.

    Turn the cone upside-down and insert it into the cup-shaped bottom part of the bottle. Seal the seam at the top of the bottle with duct tape.

    Fruit flies find their way into the bottle, but they can't get back out. After most flies are trapped inside, simply seal the bottle in a plastic shopping bag and throw out.

    i havent tried it because i dnt have a problem with fruit flies but it worth to try it my moms friend did it and it had good results as to the fly  population decreasing,

    good luck--

  2. Try moth balls around your house.

    are you sure they are fruit flies or are they soil bugs?  If they are soil bugs they could be living in your house plants soil. If you put a layer of sand on your house plant soil then they cant lay their eggs in the dirt (they dont like the sand).

    Good Luck!!

  3. Sounds like a neighbor is breeding them maybe a garbage can. To get them out of the house get a wide mouth jar make a funnel out of paper a little larger than the mouth of the jar place a piece of fruit in the jar then the funnel. The flies fly in but they can't find their way out.

  4. We've had them bad before and tried almost everything to get them out. We tried the containers with vinegar, fly tape, removing all food and fruit and even glue traps. There didn't seem to be one good method but a combination of several. The fly tape seemed to catch the absolute most. (You know the ribbons that look like a long curl when you hang them.) We went around swatting them all the time because we knew that every one that got by had the potential of creating hundreds more in a short amount of time.  We made sure we kept food in containers and fruit was never left out. They seemed to love the kitchen curtains and the bathroom so I would hit them areas hard with a hand towel trying to kill all I could. We even used the vacuum hose to suck them up. Just make sure you clean up later by wiping the walls down. Make sure you keep your drains clean too, some get in there and hide, just pour some type of bleach or disinfectant down it and make sure there isn't any standing water. Even though you keep your house clean, once they move in they are there to stay. It will take a while but when you can walk around without them buzzing your head and seem to be everywhere when guests come over it will be worth it. Also don't put fruit out any time soon because there could be 1 or 2 strays and they will easily start back again.

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