
Fruit flies!!!!!!! help!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so some how my house got infested with fruit flies. they are sooo disgusting.

does anybody know how to get ride of them?!?!?!

my dad says he took the fruit they were eating off of away




  1. apple cider vinager this works for me


  2. keep the fruit inside of a bag or in the cupboard

  3. We have the same problem! Day after day, we've just been vacuuming them up with the tube part of the vacuum, and getting our house super clean in the process! Also, keep the doors + windows to outside closed.

  4. Remember,

    Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.

    Sorry, but it seemed like a good place for that oldie.  :)

    Removing the fruit won't be enough if the counter top still has traces of the juice on it either. Most other good tips seem to have been covered.

  5. Ok so I feel your pain. I am being haunted by a fruit fly that won't go away!!! It even followed me to school!!! AHHHH!!! Anyways... enough about me and my problems.. You should try taking an empty spray bottle (one that mists when you spray it.) Fill it up with water. Then, when you see one spray it untill it dies and then throw it away with a kleenex. If your dad took the fruit away no more will be coming into your house. All you need to do is kill the ones already in your house. Good luck :)

  6. They like to live and breed in the kitchen sink drain.  Drown em with bleach.

  7. It should be 'get rid' not 'get ride'

    By the way, Fruit flies aren't only attracted to fruit & it is rather silly & impractical for a person to hide fruits just to get rid of fruit flies. Are you going to hide them forever?

    Perhaps try not to leave your fruits UNATTENDED for a long period of time; it might help. =D

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