
Fruit fly infestation- help!?

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We have tiny little flies all over the kitchen. The kitchen is clean, we do not let food sit out and I've begun keeping all fruit in the fridge- however they seem to be getting worse- NOT BETTER!

My fiance thinks all we can do is some kind of bug bomb (?) but I'm concerned about the fact that it's in the kitchen. Wouldn't measures like a "bug bomb" be hazardous considering the food and dishes??

Suggestions PLEASE!





  1. I'd recommend getting some flying insect spray before you go the bomb route. The spray should kill them. If you use a bug bomb, you'll have to close all the windows/doors, turn of your gas (if you have it), and be gone from home for 3-4 hours. You'll need to wash all of your dishes. It will not have an effect on food stored in your freezer/fridge. I have only seen fruit flies when there are rotten fruits and veggies somewhere. I've always had them go away when the rotten food was discarded. So, I'm not sure why you have an infestation. However, a $4 can of spray should do the trick, shouldn't harm you or your food, and you won't need to rewash anything.

  2. Fruit flies can smell even a closed garbage can or the fruit and vegetable particles left in the sink traps.  A simple way to reduce the population fast is to partially fill a jar or large glass with fruit juice or vinegar.  Fashion a funnel out of paper and insert it point end down into the jar but not touching the juice.  The little critters will fly into the jar and won't be able to escape, soon drowning in the juice.  

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