
Fruit fly problem please help?!

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our house has a really bad fruit fly prolblem and i was wondering if anyone had good ideas that would drive the fruit flys away. i really appreciate the help:)




  1. Check around to make sure you get rid of whatever is attracting them...if you can find the cause (easier said than done).Then place home-made fly traps nearby  to get rid of any that might still come around or hatch from the fruit..

    You can put an inch or more of apple cider vinegar (or fruity substance like orange juice or wine) & a squirt of dishwashing soap into a deep dish or jar, cover it with plastic wrap or lid, then poked some holes into it. It might have to be changed every couple of days when it gets full.

    Here's another fly trap you can use:

    fill a quart jar with this mixture...

    3 cups of water

    ¼ (one quarter) cup sugar

    ¼ (one quarter) cup white vinegar

    Mix, punch holes in the lid, and set it where needed.

    A forum about homemade fly traps: click on the steps for illustrations & instructions... scroll down pg. for suggestions. Just a small bit of wine or fruity substance in a tall wine bottle can catch & kill fruit flies.

    "prevention is the key and tends to wipe them out more permanently. You just need to think about what they need to live and breed, and they'll go away. Not leaving food out, cleaning up messes, and finding gaps in your kitchen to fill that they find food and egg-laying habitat":

    You can also use a funnel over a jar that holds the fruity liquid:

    Cutting off top of pop bottle & inverting it inside the bottom:

    Good luck!!!   Hope this helps..

  2. Well for starters, don't leave any fruit out except for having it in the refrigerator.  That's the best answer I can come up with.  The fruit flies hang around when you leave the fruits and veggies out.  Good luck.

  3. There is no getting around it. When we buy fruit in the summer it comes with fruit fly eggs already in it. If you leave it out in a bowl the eggs will hatch and voilà – FRUIT FLIES. To stop that from happening you need to keep your fruit in the refrigerator.

    To get rid or existing fruit flies you can remove their food source or make an easy home-made trap.

    Get a plastic container with a lid and either poke holes in the lid with a small nail or heat up a fat needle to poke holes in the lid. The holes shouldn’t be too big or they will find their way out before the trap can do its deed. Liquids work better than fruit to get rid of them.

    You’ll see in a minute.

    Add wine or beer or vinegar or a small piece of fruit like banana (covered in water) – add a drop or two of dish detergent (no more is needed – if it smells like detergent, they will not be attracted to it) – the smell of fermentation will attract the fruit flies and they will find their way through the holes but will not be able to find their way out. The dish detergent breaks the surface tension of whatever liquid you have put in the container - they will try to land on the liquid either to rest or lay eggs and they will drown.

    In the summer, I have to put these traps in my kitchen and around my houseplants (they also work for fungus gnats which are around potting soil more in the summer).

    No more fruit flies.

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