
Fruit juice cocktail recipes for kids?

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Need recipies for a party




  1. This one sounds yummy, and you can change the number of servings you need

  2. l

    Appetizer Fruit Cocktail -







    2 cups apple juice

    1 tablespoon lemon juice

    1/2 teaspoon grated orange or lemon peel

    dash salt

    2 (3-inch) cinnamon sticks

    2 (about 3/4 lb.) Red Delicious apples, cored and diced

    1-1/2 cups diced fresh pineapple

    1 orange, peeled and sectioned




    1) Combine apple juice, lemon juice, orange or lemon peel, salt and cinnamon sticks in saucepan.

    2) Bring to boil and simmer, uncovered, 10 minutes. Cool slightly.

    3) Remove cinnamon sticks. Combine apples, pineapple and orange. Pour syrup over fruit and chill.Fruit Juice Recipes

    Delicious Gold, Ruby, and Topaz Juices

    We've compiled a huge list of delicious fruit juice recipes for you to enjoy with your new juicer. All of these recipes are bursting with flavor, energy and vitamins, so enjoy!

    4 Fruit Juice

    Garlic Tomato Juice

    Pineapple Wheatgrass

    Alertness Juice

    Ginger Apple Juice

    Pomegranate Punch

    Allergy Enemy

    Glass of Beauty

    Really Red Grapefruit

    Apple Grass

    Honey Soother

    Really Red Juice

    Apple Pie Juice

    Kids Fun Animal Juice

    Slimming Cocktail

    Apple Radish Celery Juice

    Kiwi Energy Burst

    Sparkling Fruit Juice

    Apple Strawberry Blend

    Lemon and Lime Gingerale

    Spring Cocktail

    Apple Strawberry Delight

    Lip Smacking Cocktail

    Sunset Cocktail

    Apple Veggie Mix

    Liver Cleanse

    Strawberry Delight

    Be a Peach

    Mango Orange Apple Juice

    Sweet Grass

    Bluecherry Juice


    Tasty Digestive Juice

    Celery Grape Juice

    Nectarine Blend

    Tropical Juice Flair

    Celery Lemon Delight

    Orange Lemonade

    Tropical Passion Wheatgrass

    Citrus Blast Off

    Orangy Tangerines

    Urinary Tract Repair

    Delicious Fruit Juice

    Outstanding Cocktail

    Vibrant Cocktail

    Delicious Tomato Juice

    Peach Pear Apple Juice

    Vitamin C Health

    Energetic Cocktail

    Pearly Whites Juice

    Watermelon Kick

    Fruit and Veggie Blend

    Pineapple Delight

    Yummy Apple Juice

    Fruit Punch


    Kids Fun Animal Juice

        * 1 orange

        * 1 apple

        * Watermelon Chunks

        * Handful of strawberries

    Peel an orange so that the skin stays in one long piece. Cut the apple and orange into segments and juice. Pour into a glass and decorate it glass to look like an elephant by using the orange peel for a trunk and two large round slices of orange to form an elephant's ears.

    For the second glass of Animal Juice, juice the watermelon chunks and strawberries. Pour into a glass and decorate the glass to look like a pig with strawberry pig ears and nose.

    Citrus Blast Off

        * 1 grapefruit

        * 2 oranges

        * 2 tangerines

        * ¼ oz liquid ginseng

    Peel and cut the grapefruit, oranges and tangerines into segments and juice.

    Kiwi Energy Burst

        * 4 oz. of green grapes

        * 3 kiwis

        * 1 orange

    Cut the kiwis into wedges. Peel the oranges and cut it into segments. Juice all of the ingredients.

    Liver Cleanse

        * 2 Pink Grapefruits

        * 1 Lemon

        * 1 Lime

        * 1 Tbsp Olive Oil

    Peel and cut the pink grapefruits, lemon and lime into segments and juice

    To Top

    Pineapple Delight

        * 1/2 pineapple

        * 2 apples

    Peel the pineapple, core the apples and cut the fruit into sections. Juice everything in the order given in the ingredient list.

    Vitamin C Health

        * 1 pineapple round

        * 3 - 4 tangerines or oranges

    Cut the pineapple round into strips. Peel the tangerines or oranges, leaving on as much pith as possible, and cut into segments. Juice the ingredients and keep that cold you feel coming on at bay.

    Orangy Tangerines

        * 4 Tangerines

        * 4 Oranges

        * 1 Lime

        * ½ Organic Orange Skin

    Peel and cut the tangerines, oranges and lime into segments. Juice all of the ingredients.

    Really Red Juice

        * 1/2 beet with the greens

        * 3 to 4 medium sized apples

    Cut the beet and the apple into narrow wedges and process them in the juicer.

    Kidney Flush

        * 2 Apples

        * 3-5 Watermelon pieces with rind

    Cut the apples into narrow wedges and juice with the watermelon pieces.

    Energetic Cocktail

        * 6 carrots

        * 2 oranges

        * 1 apple

        * 1 stalk celery

        * 1 slice lemon

    Peel the oranges, core the apple and cut into sections. Juice everything in the order given in the ingredient list.

    Apple Pie Juice

        * 4 large sweet apples

        * 1 large carrot

        * ½ tsp of cinnamon

        * ½ a tsp of nutmeg

    Sprinkle the cinnamon and nutmeg into your juicer. Juice the apples and carrot. Drink immediately and enjoy fresh apple pie in a glass.

    Urinary Tract Repair

        * 2 Apples

        * 1/2 cup Cranberries

    Cut the apples into narrow wedges and pit the cranberries. Juice with your home juicer.

    Lip Smacking Cocktail

        * 2 apples

        * 3 carrots

        * 1 stalk celery

    Core the apples and cut into sections. Juice everything in the order given in the ingredient list.

    Tropical Juice Flair

        * ¼ of a pineapple

        * 1 mango

        * 1 medium tomato

        * 1 ½ ounces of rum (optional)

    Remove the skin of the pineapple and cut into pieces. Peel the mango and cut into spears. Juice the pineapple and mango pieces with the tomato. Place the juice in a sealable container and add the rum if desired. Shake the juice thoroughly and pour into glasses

    Allergy Enemy

        * 1 Apple

        * 1 Pear

        * 1 cup Pineapple cubes

    Cut the apple and pear into pieces. Combine apple, pear and pineapple cubes in your juicer.

    4 Fruit Juice

        * 3 slices of pineapple

        * ½ an orange

        * 4 strawberries

        * 1 bunch of red grapes

    Juice the pineapple first. Peel the orange and cut into pieces then juice with the strawberries and grapes. Stir and enjoy!

    Sparkling Fruit Juice

        * 1/2 mango

        * 1 orange

        * 1 kiwi

        * sparkling mineral water

    Peel the mango, orange and kiwi. Cut them all up into pieces and process in your juicer. Pour into a large glass and fill to the top with sparkling water to enjoy this sparkling treat.

    Celery Grape Juice

        * 1 bunch of grapes

        * 2 celery stalks

    Cut the celery into smaller sections and juice with the grapes. You can top this tasty juice with fresh mint leaves.


        * 1 lemon

        * ¼ watermelon

    Peel the lemon and cut the rind off of the watermelon. Cut both into pieces and juice.

    Nectarine Blend

        * 1 orange

        * ½ cup of raspberries

        * 1 nectarine

    Peel the orange and cut into sections. Pit the nectarine and section. Juice the ingredients in your juicer.

    To Top

    Celery Lemon Delight

        * 2 lemons

        * 1 handful of celery leaves

        * 1/2 cup raw sugar

    Peel the lemons. Juice the celery leaves, then the lemons. Stir in sugar, and add water to make a quart. This is best served over ice.

    To Top

    Bluecherry Juice

        * ¾ cup blueberries

        * handful of cherries

        * 1 apple

    Pit the cherries and cut the apple into pieces. Juice together and serve.

    To Top

    Tasty Digestive Juice

        * 1 apple

        * 2 thick pineapple slices

        * ½ papaya

    Cut the apple into pieces. Deseed the papaya and scoop out the fleshy fruit. Remove the skin of the pineapple and cut into sections. Juice together

    Pineapple Wheatgrass

        * 2 cups fresh pineapple

        * 1 orange

        * 1 papaya

        * 2-3 inch round of wheatgrass

    Peel the orange and cut all of the fruit into sections. Juice the ingredients, stir and enjoy a little taste of Hawaii

    Pomegranate Punch

        * 1 pomegranate

        * 1 orange

        * 1 pineapple ring

        * 1/4 lemon

        * Gingerale

    Peel and cut the orange and pineapple into sections. Juice all of the fruit and combine with gingerale.

    Tropical Passion Wheatgrass

        * 2 kiwis

        * 1 guava or papaya

        * 1 cup cubed pineapple

        * 5 strawberries

        * 1 orange

        * 3-4 inch round of wheatgrass

    Peel kiwi, guava, and orange, cut into sections. Combine all fruit and wheatgrass in your juicer and serve slightly chilled.

    Sunset Cocktail

        * 2 apples

        * 1 medium beet

        * 1 orange

        * 3 carrots

    Peel the orange, and then cut the orange, apple and beet into sections. Juice in the order given in ingredient list

    Be a Peach

        * 2 peaches

        * 1 pear

        * 1 apple

    Remove the pits from the peaches, cut all ingredients into sections and juice!

    Yummy Apple Juice

        * 2 sweet apples

        * 4 large carrots

        * 1 red bell pepper

        * 4 jicama spears

    Cut all of the fruits and vegetables into sections. Juice the apples and the carrots. Next, juice the red bell pepper and the jicama spears. Mix and enjoy.

    Lemon and Lime Gingerale

        * 1 apple

        * ½ inch fresh ginger

        * handful of grapes

        * 1/4 lemon

        * 1/2 lime

        * sparkling mineral water

    Remove the grapes from the stem and cut the apple into sections. Juice the apple and ginger together, then juice the rest of the fruit. Pour the juice in a large glass and fill to the top with sparkling water and serve with ice.

    Honey Soother

        * 4 Mandarins

        * ½ lemon

        * 1 tbsp honey

    Peel lemon and cut all of the fruit into sections. Juice the fruit, and add the honey after.

    Apple Strawberry Delight

        * 5-6 apples

        * 1 cup strawberries

    Cut the apples up into sections, juice the ingredients and enjoy!

    Ginger Apple Juice

        * 3 apples

        * 1 inch piece of ginger

    Cut the apples into sections and juice with the piece of ginger

    Watermelon Kick

        * 1/2 watermelon, without rind

        * 1 lemon

        * 5 oranges

        * 1/2 pineapple

    Peel lemon, oranges and pineapple. Cut all fruit into sections and juice together.

    Outstanding Cocktail

  3. go to  they have a bunch of recipes for children ...iced drinks & smoothies! enjoy!

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