What happens say, when a TV Chefs come to your place of business, be it a Common Market Stall, a prominent Site in a Victorian Heated Establishment, or indeed in one of these New Hyper Shops, like SuperMarkets and such. . . .. and, you hold firm as Celebrity Puffter Chefs come along picking up your Wares, going "Hmmmmmm"
Or "Smells so fresh and GOOD!"
Or "Ooooooh, your Plums smell. .. divine!"
Does it anger thine Soul?
It does me, thats for sure. Gormless, boring Proles mincing about as if they are Artistes, and everything they do is an Expression of Wonderment.
Could we start a Revolution of sorts, and attack these Money Grubbing Benders and force them to keep their Spazzy Sky Telly Personalities in the bloody Kitchen?