
Fruitless Mulberry Tree

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  1. Count your blessings, the Fruitless Mulberry tree has to be one of the worse trees to plant in a residential setting.  The roots will go into your sewer, the limbs are weak and unless you have plenty of room it will grow beyond the homeowners control.


  2. We have 7 of these fruitless Mulberry...ranging from 14 to 6 years old.
    14 year old tree we never touched until two years ago...The remainder were planted about the same time, though not all the same size ranging from 5 gal to 22" box.

    We usually have one in the bunch that goes through this, however last year and this year looks the same for one tree in particular:

    - having smaller than normal foliage (1/2 the size)
    - unusually sparse for this variety
    - last year it yellowed mid summer and by fall lost all leaves
    - this year it looks like it will be doing it again

    Does any one have anything for a solution?

  3. That's looks so pretty. I love Mulberry trees...

  4. Amazing how I could have written the above question.  I also live in the High Desert in So. Cal.  My 11 year old Fruitless Mulberry is also not thriving as well as previous years, ie. small leaves without the heavy foliage that other trees around us have right now.  We haven't changed anything around the tree or it's watering schedule.  We planed it as an 6' tree, and it's now over 20 ' tall.  We did very light pruning this spring since we love the natural shape of the tree.  The trees in our neighbors yards are all heavy with foliage, while ours has little leaves and is sparce.

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