
Fruits and Veggie for Horses?

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currently i feed my pony Bally carrots, apples and swede as treats in his feed bucket and after he's worked really well. i was just wondering if there are any other fruits or vegetables or anything that anyone has found their horse really liked, just so i can vary the treats i give him, because he has started to leave the carrots i put in his feed. help please =]




  1. My lot LOVE oranges.

  2. BEWARE!!!

    Some of the foods some people are suggesting here, foods such as "potatoes" and "tomatoes" are from the nightshade family of food crops and should never be fed to horses. Some of the other foods suggested here such as "broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and brussel sprouts" can cause severe gas and deadly colic. Beware of the advice some of the people here are giving you.

  3. my tb loves watermelon, oranges and bannanas

  4. They can eat pretty well anything.  Turnips, potatos, corn, peas. pears, peaches, plums...actually anything...

    In the wild they eat whatever they want.  I've seen them eat strawberries, flowers, bark on trees...just about anything that grows.  I've even xeen them eat bananas, watermelon, cantalope, cherries.

    Humans started them on oats because it was easier for us.  Horses will eat anything...if they want to.  Try your horse on different fruits and vegetables.  But if you ever start them on'll be cookin 24 hrs a day...with fried onions and mushrooms.  Oh yes..and they love cheese.

  5. My horse will eat watermelon, apples, carrots, cucumbers, banana's etc.

    Also try this website:

    it tells you what ISN'T safe as well :)


  6. Carrots are good..

  7. try him with loads of different things but nothing acidic (lemon orange pineapple etc.) and no berries but veggies are very good (no potatoes though they are poisinus) also before you feed him anything your not sure about without checking if they are poisinous or bad for horses also you can mix in carrot peels (although not the ends and tops of carrots) swede peel apple cors and peels etc. (again look out for poison and potatoe peels) because they will happily eat them and its kind of recycling :)

  8. pears,apples, cabbage, turnip, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber.

    horses like most veggies to be honest as long as they are nice and crunchy, not too soggy.

  9. I worked with a horse that loved peaches, especially during the summer when it was really hot. Aside from the sweetness, he also liked them because they were so juicy. I made sure to cut them in half and take out the stone before giving them to him. When we would go out riding I had to make sure that if I brought a piece of fruit for myself I'd better have one for him too otherwise he'd steal mine right out of my hand.

  10. what about turnips, hard pears, parsnips

  11. apples

  12. most vegetables and fruit that are not acidic as it gives them a stomach upset.

    you can try pears, brocolli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts, my ponies love these!!

  13. well i gave my horse watermelon and she liked it. i think it was okay for her cause she didn't die or anything

  14. Mine will only eat carrots and turns his nose up at anything "strange" in his feed bucket....

  15. SAFE

    ~ Apples

    ~ Apricots

    ~ Bananas

    ~ Beets

    ~ Blackberries

    ~ Blueberries

    ~ Carrots

    ~ Celery

    ~ Cherries...remove pits

    ~ Coconut

    ~ Corn

    ~ Dates

    ~ Figs

    ~ Grapes

    ~ Grapefruit

    ~ Horseradish

    ~ Lettuce

    ~ Mangoes

    ~ Oranges

    ~ Peaches

    ~ Pears

    ~ Pineapple

    ~ Plums

    ~ Pumpkin

    ~ Raisins

    ~ Rutabagas

    ~ Squash

    ~ Strawberries

    ~ Sweet Potatoes

    ~ Turnips

    ~ Watermelon (both rind and pulp)


    ~ Avocado

    ~ Onions

    ~ Potatoes

    ~ Persimmons

    ~ Rhubarb

    ~ Tomatoes

    ~ Any other members of the nightshade family which includes peppers...Potatoes, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Eggplant

    ~ Broccoli or Cauliflower (may cause gas, which in turn may cause gas colic) so I personally wouldn't risk it...but some do...

    *found some more nightshade members...sweet and hot peppers (including paprika, cayenne pepper and Tabasco sauce)

    ground cherries

    tomatillos and tamarillos

    garden huckleberry and naranjillas

    pepinos and pimentos

    Additional info from research...


    Green beans...good

    broccoli...some do, some don't...up to you

    cauliflower...again, some do, some don't...up to you..

    Swede...something like a large orange turnip...good





    Honeydew melon...good


    Nectarines...good's a good page. Gonna save this one...

    ***EDIT...regarding red beets...One of the best foods for this energy boost is the red beet.

    The info for the first list I put up

    1st link also covers cherries...with pits removed. And mango also with pit and skin removed. Actually found that several things we feed our horses...the skin, seeds, bark, and leaves can be toxic. I suggest researching the particular item you want to offer your horses...

    regards to nightshade vegetable members...including sweet peppers...

    This one too...regarding sweet peppers...

    Another link with a list for horses...beet greens is on it...

    I did research before I answered this question...There are many sites and articles for nightshade 'vegetable' members. I found out they are actually 'fruits.' Just type in nightshade members and you will have loads of information. And I find that all of them have agreed so far...

  16. mine love watermelon

  17. our horses love sweet corn....the kind that people eat......we just pick it and pull out the silk......they will eat the husk and the cob. they love it.  

  18. you only give it to him whe he has done well ??? i give it to minie all the time but i suppose i spoil him really.

    anyway, iv heard they like watermellon, spome even like tomatos!


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