I feel as if my whole body has been itching since yesterday morning. It's strange. My legs itch more than the rest. The itching is off & on and I have a compulsion to keep moving my legs when I'm sitting down or laying in bed. It feels like something is under my skin and there are red marks in some places. Some of the marks almost look like insect bites. Do you think this is allergies? I feel strange crawling and prickling sensations along with the need to scratch. Anti-histamines have not helped much.
I phoned the after-hours nurse line because nothing at home seemed to work and my symptoms were getting worse. The nurse said it sounded like I have a bad systemic reaction, so go to the ER or a minor emergency clinic.
I went to the minor emergency clinic because it's cheaper. I walked out 5 minutes later with instructions to take Benedryl and a referral to a dermatologist. Did I not just tell the doctor that I'm already taking anti-histamines and they aren't helping? In any case, I was hoping on finding some relief at the clinic.
My questions: Would you think I'm experiencing an allergic reaction or something else? Also, any suggestions to get some sleep given the itching or am I screwed until this passes? As I was leaving the clinic the intake nurse commented that I was a hypochondriac. Was she implying that my symptoms aren't real? Thanks for reading & for any feedback.