
Frustrated with my son who had ADHD...anyone feel this way at times with ADHD kids?

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im so frustrated today!! Im so frustrated with my 7 yr old. I love him to death but its so darn hard raising a child with ADHD. Im feeling sorry for myself!! Does anyone every feel this way about thier child with ADHD? He came home last night from his dads house with two loaded water guns and started squirting my bf in his face and his you know what as soon as my by opened the door. Then, he came upstairs and in less than 15 minutes is jumping on the coffee table. Shortly after he gets black water paint allover the carpenting in his room and toys. I lost it!! He was only home for 30 minutes and i lost my mind!! I immediately called my exhusband and just gave him **** for not giving him his meds and letting our son come home with loaded water guns!! I finally told my ex that he wont get visitation rights anymore unless he gives him his meds b/c i cant handle my son when he comes home to me after the weekend!! I thank god everyday my ex only gets him every other weekend.




  1. I know what u mean. my son also has ADHD and due to the need to save his meds at the time and use them when really needed. mine is a total monster with out them. and he sill be back on them real soon.

    if u need to talk feel free to message me.

  2. To be honest, your son just needs extra activities.  Most children diagnosed with ADHD are very active and highly intelligent.  It is their mind that needs to work more.  Get him into playing a sport, an instrument, martial arts, etc...... These things make you use your mind more and will be great for him.  He will love it!  You will also get some time to yourself while your son is being productive and not just having a babysitter.  You can find some non-expensive things for him to do and some may take payments.

    The meds have very bad side effects.  I cannot even tell you some of the things I have seen because it is not decent to put here.

      Also try to have outings with your son and always let him know you love him. Don't get mad at his dad for not giving him the meds. It sounds like the meds are creating a stress with you and other people.  That is normal. But anything that you have to do that is stressing  you does not fit in your life.

  3. I don't have a child with ADHD however i do teach autistic children and we have one student that is not autistic but has ADHD. He is a sweet child but most of the time just has no self control. After teaching this child I have even more respect for parents with ADHA children!!!! There are days that he test every ounce of patience that i have. We have 3 teachers in one room with him and one teacher is always working with him...he gets one on one teaching.  I only have him for a few hours during the week but I can completely understand what you are experiencing...It's not only the parents who feel this way!!!!

    Hopefully your husband gets on the bandwagon and continues his meds when he is with him. Taking him off his meds so quickly will without a doubt make it worse.

    Good Luck!!!

  4. He sounds like a regular kid to me.

    Kids do kid things and adults do adult things.

    I would be more concerned if he where doing

    the things that adults do.

    It sounds like your a miserable selfish controling Bitttttch

    from the east coast.

    I can already see that your kid is going to grow up to hate you

    if he dosn't already.

    If you want love and respect from your kid you have to be loving and respectful.So far as I can see you use your

    kid to get attention with munchosen by proxi.

    You suck!

  5. i don't have a child with ADHD, so i don't know exactly what you are going through. but i do babysit for a girl who has ADHD, and trust me, it's extremely difficult. She never listens. To get her to do something you have to yell at her or be physical. I've seen her mom and dad try to handle her and they can't. Keep giving your son medication, and i think as he matures it will start getting better.

    Good luck!

  6. My son is adhd.  You are entitled to have a relationship.  The life with an adhd child is difficult to say the least.  Homecoming should be a low level peaceful exercise.  You can praise him lavishly when he comes home and is low key, when it is the other way around there should be consequenses, time out or take away favorite toy.  Adhd children have to learn different ways, and their meds are a must.  Their brains are like scrambled eggs w/o meds.  They will change dramatically when the meds are no longer needed .  My doctor said it was cruel not to give meds when needed.  good luck it dosen't last forever.

  7. I have Tourette's Syndrome, OCD, and ADHD. Fortunately, my ADHD is fairly mild, and never made me particularly difficult. That being said, it was still stressful for my parents at times simply because it was scary.

    It was always hard for me too, though the OCD and Tourette's were a lot more difficult for me too deal with, especially the Tourette's which caused physical pain at times (not directly, but the tics made my muscle's tense, and my jaw would ache, not to mention the headaches).

    You are absolutely in the right as far as your ex husband goes. If your son has a prescription for a medication, then he should be getting that medication. Period.

    I hope things settle down, and I'm sorry that things are so stressful for you

  8. I have a brother that has adhd. yes its very hard and tough having somebody close that has adhd. Sometimes i just didnt want to see my brother. and my brohter was called stupid because he had adhd. i love him to death as well. and hes 1 of the nicest guys ever. but it is tough, very tough, and i can relate. My brother had adhd, if frogot to mention. and god bless you.

  9. Whats wrong with you? You have a son with ADHD. Get rid of Your Boyfriend first, All he wants from you is in Bed. God gave that child for you to Raise. Not to run around with other low life guys.

  10. All I am going to say is that unfortunately, many of you have been duped.  The 'diseases' you are referring to are conjured up from the minds of pychiatrists and other therapists who are paid to endorse the products of the big multi-million dollar drug companies.  Those products are then taken or given to children and cause so much more damage than you can possibly image.

    Do some research of your own.  Check out and and

  11. Oh God oh God.. Where I live people have never heard of ADHD. There are lots of kids in my area with ADHD symptoms and they never get medicated they just get physically punished all the time.. I feel sorry for theses poor kids and their poor parents. I feel so sorry for your kid but your question inspired me to start a campaign to educate all parents in my area about it and get their kids checked if they have ADHD symptoms.

    p.s I'm first grade teacher and that's how I know that my kids are being abused for being extra hyper

  12. well i kno exactly what ur tlkn about, my lil brother has it. i baby sit him all the time, and yes i do get really angry. but in the end i just sit back and think, he cant help it, i mean, ADHD kids didnt ask to be born tht way, it just happend. so i guess we shud be happy tht we just have them in the world with us

  13. i have adhd. i actually felt bad for my mom but i couldnt help it.

    now i dont take the meds i just clean everything complusivly.

    lol dont worry tho usually with adhd it kinda wears off with time. and do the meds make your son zombie like and groggy?? thats what they did to me so i started taking half the pill.

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