Dear Sir/Madam, The Spanish immigration issues the residence permit within 2 or 3 months for family members of legal residents of Spain while Embassy of Spain in Islamabad in Pakistan takes One or One and Half Year for issuing family reunion visa. It is really an unfair red-tape procedure for a spouse. My wife is permanent resident of Spain and I have a Spanish national son. I have submitted all the required documents and paid all the fees in this direction. Furthermore, The Spain embassy in Islamabad does not collect the application directly instead they hire an agency, which is and they provide the services for the safe passage of documents between an applicant and the embassy. So I cannot personally request before the embassy for quick visa processing. The embassy only calls an applicant whenever they issue a visa to him.
Kindly let me know, how could I get the family reunion visa for Spain as soon as possible? I need your guidance in this matter please? Thanks