
Frustrating friends. What to do?

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Ok so I have a really good friend...we have been friends for years. But it seems that I am always there for her when she needs me...yet when I need her she's no where to be found. I've been there for her during her pregnancy while all of our other friends were too busy with their own lives...I threw her a baby shower etc. Her & her boyfriend do not get along & I am always there when she calls me crying...always...if she needs me to come get her (she lives an hr away) bc shes too upset to drive...I'm there as soon as I can...just to drive her back an hour later. Recently I've been having some issues with my husband...whenever I call her to vent she cuts me off bc shes "busy" or w/e lame excuse she can come up with. So today I need her the most bc I'm feeling pretty down & ive called her twice & left voice mails. She finally calls me & tells me that her & her BF are spending time together & it'll have to wait. So i feel like she is only friends with me when it's convenient for her. Should I talk to her about it...or just forget about her? I'm really tired of giving 100% in relationships & getting nothing in return :(




  1. Friendship is no deal and there's no hard and fast rule that your friend has to pay back your debts in her life. However, if u expect her to do so, just tell her, its better to talk and find solutions than just end a friendship. And yes, I believe she is too messed up with her own life, so she cant focus on anyone else's problems, its just a normal thing.  

  2. my best friend is like this too. I have thought about letting her down a little bit now and again I cant seem to do it I think were MUGS. Its c**p I know. But yeah try and not be so available that might work good luck and I will be reading other answers to this for some tips too.

  3. i know exactly how you feel :]

    hmm you clearly should tell her how you feel

    tell her she isn't a good friend if she never listens to you

    you feel like talking to her is like talking to a brick wall

    if she starts crying to you again dont do anything say you have to spend time with your boyfriend and you have no time to talk...she'll feel bad and figure out what she has done

    <3 kyleekins

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