
Frustration... dyslexia and spelling/reading. How can I improve?

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I am a dyslexic, and I really want to improve my spelling and reading. Anyone have any tips?




  1. same here.  I am dyslexic also I would suggest do games like scrabble or hangman and also try and grade your own work as well

  2. Boy, you've had some rude "answers??" , huh?  

    Too bad, but as you probably already know; people "make fun" of what they do not understand.  

    So, help..sounds like you have some aids at your disposal which is great.  Can you use a laptop with the same capacity in class?  If not, why not.  Check out the "Americans With Disabilities" website, it has a list of resources available for you; including rights for accommodations.  

    You sound like a smart; motivated person; keep it up.  Oh, and you may want to "check out" the famous people with Dyslexia.

  3. HI

    there are many approaches for reading try the high interest low ability books libraries usually have  a section specific for people with reading difficulties.

    also try to get some of those tapes and books so you can follow the words as they are read to you.

    Keep a log of the tricky words which you come across and refer back to your log when reading. Give yourself picture clues in your log book to help you to recall the word.

    Lexia is supposed to be a good prgamme and used by many schools to help with dyslexic difficulties.

    You dont say how old you are but if you are of school / college age you should ask your senco for an assessment if you are older you could pay for a private educational psychology assessment or private dyslexic assessment which wil help to specifically identify the areas of difficulty and thus help you to focus on the areas you need to develop

    Good luck hope that helps

  4. Hey if you're a dyslexic, how did u rite this question??? If you're really having probs...try seeing a doctor or ask a teacher 4 some help with your skulwork...u cud also go and meet a luck......

  5. It depends how old you are reading simpler books are good then progress to harder books.

    heres a list of words i found on google

    you don't have to learn 25 a week you could learn 10 and practice them a whole week then have a someone say the words as you spell them

  6. tell your teachers-ask her for help, maybe she can give you some ideas.  Also they may be able to lessen/modify workload as not to cause to much frustration

  7. findout if your school or other local organizations offer help...I know there are support groups everywhere where you can get tons of help.

  8. you should find a tutor or somebody at ur school maybe they have some answers

  9. Your parents and teachers know you best.  Since you have a diagnosed condition, I assume that you are on an IEP and are receiving services to help you succeed in school?   If not, you should be.  But if you are, you need to talk to your special education teacher.  He or she will be able to give you some strategies to use at home to help strengthen your skills.  It is impossible for me to tell you exactly what to do because I do not know your strengths and weaknesses.  

    Kudos to you for wanting to improve yourself.  I wish you the best of luck.

  10. ouy shuold raed veery dya

  11. I read that learning to juggle can be a big help with dyslexia. Give it a try.

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