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Full tilt stole my money im US citizen i had deposited my last 500 dollars into my account im in alot of debt i had made 1200 cashed out havnt seen the moeny in month accoutns overdrawn and i lost my job im going to il myself




  1. It's going to be okay. Breathe.

    I know things seem awful right now, and it may seem like there's no way out, but these problems are temporary...

    If you are seriously considering suicide, I think you should call 1800 784-2433 (the National Suicide Prevention Hotline) and talk to someone. You're not alone.

  2. In all fairness I really don't see how $500 could tip the scales between bankruptcy and a trouble free life.

    I've never had an issue taking money out of Full Tilt, so I don't know why you are having so much trouble.

    I suggest you write them a calm and rational email asking for your money.

    Don't use gambling in an attempt to solve your financial problems.

    Talk to a therapist, and a debt specialist.  Try and chill.

  3. maybe poker isnt your game listen get a psychologist they will discuss your mental problems and as far as full tilt is concerned contact their customer support and let them know your problem also i would contact your bank and make sure they arent giving your money to online poker rooms without your permission time to relax and focus on the future its hard but io know you can rebound

  4. I think you have a gambling problem you might want to contact Gamblers Anonymous. Also contact that hotline that the previous poster listed.

  5. deep breath and think....

  6. Darlin',

    Let's rethink this.

    1.  Quit with the online gambling.

    2.  You can find another job.

    3.  We all s***w up sometimes.  Slow down, and re-evaluate your options.  Start all over.  You will do just fine.  This will pass.

    4.  Do something today for someone less fortunate.

    5.  You are in my prayers.

  7. Go here ... ... it will keep you updated on the latest withdrawal problems Full Tilt is having. Still a lot of complaints and no answers. But supposedly by next Tuesday you should have your funds. So try to wait it out, none of us wants this to happen. Some updates ...

    on Monday May 5th ...

    We’re sorry you’ve had delays with your bank transfer requests.

    We found out last week that bank transfers processed since April 15th were delayed due to issues at our processor’s end. We immediately contacted our processor to find out what the issues were and if we could expedite the resolution, and were told at the end of last week that everything had been resolved.

    However, earlier this week we found out that a further issue outside our control prevented the transfers from being sent as we expected, and it’s looking like the transfers will start processing sometime this week.

    Some of you have been emailed about the delays already, and there should be another email to everyone affected as soon as we have more specifics about when you can expect your funds.

    We believe the issues experienced are related to the increased volume of transactions due to the recent changes with other processors.

    We’re really sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, and we hope our bank transfer service will return to the reliable bank transfer service you were experiencing before.

    On Wednesday May 7th ...


    The delayed transfers started to process on Monday. The transfers have continued to go through since then, and we’re hoping to have them all processed by the end of the week.

    The transfers should also start to hit bank accounts about 2-3 days after being processed, so some of you will receive your funds very soon and the rest won’t be far behind.

    While we’re glad this situation is clearing up, we’re really sorry about the delays you’ve all experienced.

    Hopefully, the worst of this is over, and your bank transfers will be processed with normal processing times going forward. Thanks for your understanding and patience.

    ... hope this eases some stress man. Just give it a couple more days. A lot of us will be screwed if these withdrawals arent received cause for many, including myself, this is a full time job and pays the bills.

  8. Adam why you say they stole your money?  I got the feeling that you are not sending the verification forms that they request from ALL players or maybe you were doing something not right on the tables... whatever your case is I think that you should check with them and see why your funds are been held. If you need further assistance shoot me an email... I have send many poker players to FT and no one have ever had a problem with pay outs.

    And also I don't think your life worth $500 so dude stop your bs about suicide

  9. dont kill yourself

    it is just a cowardly, guttless way to get rid of your pain

    everyone has downs in their lives

    im sure you will get through it

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