
Fuel Protest this Week.?

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Its supposed to be this Wednesday. About time too.




  1. doesn't matter if it's the US, UK or almost anywhere except the oil-producing countries....

    fuel protests are nearly always futile, no matter how good they make you feel to pass on the links, etc...

    go to and poke around... here's one link internal to snopes that has articles about protests, boycotts and the like....

    because of the nature of gasoline and its manufacture, distribution and sale, about the best thing you can do to influence gas prices is to use less and get most everyone else to use less, too.   things get cheaper almost only if the costs to produce them don't change much and demand dries up.  otherwise, for constant or increasing demand, unless the production cost goes down, the selling price never will.... and a boycott or protest doesn't ever affect production cost!!!!

    and as for the UK or US or Europe or whatever, east of the Atlantic, most of the PRICE of petrol tends to be TAXES and not at all related to production COSTS, so if your protest is to get the tax laws changed, they might work.  on the other hand, how often has a government lowered its own income supply....?

    sorry, economics 101 wins again... that's why i drive a Prius.

  2. the only people that will suffer is the poor old public, believe me, any threat to fuel supplies and all fuel stations will be shut down, and rationing will take place (and joe public will be last in the queue)

  3. I don't care either way as I run my car on recycled cooking oil which costs me nothing :)

  4. I hope there is make my work a lot easier this week then! The price is ridiculous though

  5. Guess not as nothings happened. We need something though as those of us who have no option but to travel by car are being truly ripped off. If I had a bus or train or similar option I would take it but as the only bus near me runs once a day in the summer months I cant get to work or shops or similar without using a car.

  6. Go ahead and protest.  See if anyone cares.

  7. The tax on diesel is the biggest crime of all.DERV costs far less to produce than petrol,but when motorists started to buy more diesel engined cars,the goverment realised it would hit petrol sales and immediately upped the tax on diesel to stop it,or petrol engined cars would be in the minority now.The big problem that this move caused, was a massive rise in the cost of living,because everything goes by road,the railways run more trucks on the roads than anyone else.

  8. heard its going to be on 15th December

  9. i remember the 2000 one.. it caused panic buying..

    in a way it's good.. simply due to the costs .. a guy from a petrol station rang up.. their cut is nothing really say £1.50 on £50 worth of petrol, hence the high prices in the shop..

    euro lorry drivers fill up in france or whever then come here.. obviously the petrol's a lot cheaper than it is here..

    the cost of petrol , a very big percentage of it is tax..

  10. The Doctor say's, Ive just read some of the comments, tut,tut.

    Some people can afford to pay for tax inflated prices, most of us are not so well off. I only use my car one weekend in two and catch the bus the rest of the time. Come on why do we have to be taxed on every little thing. By yhe way bus companies are struggeling with high fuel prices. A bus will only do about 8 to the gallon.

  11. Yeah, protest against fuel prices!!!   Works every time!!! N..O..T........

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