
Fuel Supplement, What's Your Opinion?

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Late last year all of the cruise lines started charging a fuel supplement on their cruises. This was in lieu of just increasing the price by the $4 or $5 per person fuel supplement for each cruise. What is your opinion??. Would you have preferred that they just increased all cruise prices, or use the fuel supplement.?

Both accomplish the same thing except that now that the fuel supplements have increased again it tends to look a little better on cruise prices. What's your opinion???




  1. If you are old enough to remember they used to charge a Fed tax when buying tires-now inclided in price like jewerly. The fuel supplements came about after the cruise lines already had their brochures out. Many pay in advance for both cruise & airlines so it would be hard to try to charge more once everything is paid for. The cost of food is going up as it cost more to ship. I beleive since fuel whether for car, boat, lawnmower whatever bugs us more because we buy it more often. Compare gas prices to what the increases for homes, cars, health insurance, cable rates have gone up alot higher. The only thing that has not is our income at least not as much. So bottom line is no matter the cost we need to go to work, stores, doctors etc. There is alot of talk in Washington but, so far nothing being done. Complain or not it is out of our hands.

  2. It really doesn't make much difference.  I just add it all together anyways.  And the fuel supplement is minor enough that it won't affect whether or not I go.

    Some websites though, do roll the fuel surcharge into the price.

  3. If oil/gas comes down do you think they'll cut out the fuel charge?  Or maybe they'll just roll the fuel charge into the cruise cost.

  4. By posting it as a separate fuel charge... people seem to be more understanding than if you just say the cruise price has gone up.  I think everyone can sympathize with how expensive fuel is.

  5. They have recently changed it to $7 and $8 for bookings made after May 1st. I don't mind too much because it is a small amount and for what you get on a cruise it definitely makes up for it.

  6. My opinion is that its ok to add costs to cruises not booked yet, or at least not fully paid yet. I think its fair that customers pay what the costs are if it isnt a marketing trick, eq you have low prices and then adds the fuel costs later on even thou you know it before.

    I dont think that any one that goes on a cruise will go on such strickt budget that they cant afford a $5 rise per cruise day after all, that will be preatty stupid.

    The best thing is ofc if you know your price when you book but in some cases it isnt possible and then a fuel charge is ok. Johan

  7. i think it would have been easier to understand if they had just raised the prices  and stated it was due to fuel increases, rather than adding a "fuel surcharge" basically the cost is the same and would not have raised such an uproar that the surcharges did. since alot of the surcharges have been refunded( on bookings prior to a certain date)  the PR might have been better

  8. Well unfortunately everything is going up.  There is not much we can do about it.  I don't go on vacation every year anyway.  And I usually plan my cruises a year in advance so I can make payments, so it really does affect me much.  I understand why they are doing it.  I don't know, maybe just increasing the price and not calling it a fuel surcharge would be easier than you would just assume its like everything else going up.  I guess you can look at it like, at least they are being honest.  Oh well, luckly I got under the wire on my cruise for this summer and it was refunded, but I will have to pay it on my next trip, but I won't let it spoil the fun.   At least I hope I won't.

  9. I haven't booked a trip since the lines started this mess.

    Unfortunately, many consumers go along with it. This makes it legitimate for the lines to quote a low price (?) and then surcharge for other items. The fuel surcharges have already gone up.  What's next? A food surcharge? How about a surcharge for booking, for baggage handling, for entertainment, for cleaning supplies for the room stewards, even for toilet paper?

    I would VERY MUCH prefer that the lines quote a price up front that includes everything. Until they can, I'm doing land vacations...

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