
Fuel at $3 per gallon; which way out?

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Each day when I see an increase in fuel price, it's like uhhhh! another of my savings is gone. World citizens what are we gonna do?




  1. conservation efforts are only intended to buy time....they aren't the solution, but they are the most practical way to reduce the price of energy in the short term.

    electicity is the purest form of useable energy, and also very easily transported over existing infrastructure which doesn't add cost to the transportation...unlike other "fuels" which need to be transported by truck, freight etc.  Electric motors are up to 95% efficient in converting electricity into work.  Batteries are up to 99% efficient in storing and discharging electricity.

    ALL ELECTRIC is the only sensible way forward....

    The way out is to find a way to create vast amounts of electricity, without the use of coal or other fossil fuels.

    Currently that solution is nuclear power....and that comes with some risks to the environment, public health, and in some ways security.  At the moment however, it produces alot of energy for relatively little biproduct which may or may not be able to be recycled in the future..

    Solar is expensive and too inefficient for the space it takes up to be the primary solution.....wind is ok, but sometimes the wind doesn't blow and wind turbines are also expensive.  Fuel cell technology is still a ways off...and also expensive.

    The only real solution is in the clean production of electricity.....

    There is no real solution that involves putting more gasoline in the gastank.  The amount of oil under the surface of our planet is will eventually run out.

  2. Use less and the price will go down.   Where I live driving has been cut by quite a bit and prices have been coming down.   Probably other factors added in, but everything helps.

    Oh yea, inflate your tires and get a tune up. ;-p

  3. Never buy anything you don't own stock in.  

  4. drill for more oil

  5. We need to be fully educated on all of our energy sources that our available to us.  

  6. There needs to be an alternative source of fuel, and fast. Maybe the electric car will come back out and be better than ever. I would love to see the faces of those oil companies once people stop buying gas and use electric cars.

  7. If the Democrats would pass legislation that would allow us to drill for oil the price would come down immediately because the speculators would be selling off to not get left holding the bag.  I mean the price would fall to about two dollars a gallon of gas very quickly.  President Bush has been asking for this for a long time.  

    It amazes me how so many Americans cannot tell the difference between an honest person like George Bush and the lying low lifes in the media and Democrat congress.

  8. We really need to use less of everything. Oil and its byproducts are used to make synthetics (plastics, nylon, rubber, etc), cleaning products, lubricants, not to mention all the fuel. Our grandparents and great grandparents who lived through the depression were very frugal and reused many items that we throw away every day.

    In addition to drilling on our own land and continuing to create alternative fuels, we should be thinking more conservatively about what we throw away and what we can reuse.  Buying pre-owned things instead of new things..i.e. "vintage" furniture, clothing, can sometimes be better than what we could find new. Even big purchases like buying an existing home instead of building a new one would save fuel. A used car vs a new one saves fuel, Buying from local farmers and industries saves fuel.  All these things cut down on transportation costs.

    If everyone would do just a little, we could save a lot. It's really not that hard.  

  9. energy prices are the same as they were 30 years ago so the price increases are only market corrections. If we switch to all electric cars, the demand for electricity would be so high that the cost for electric energy will be higher than for gasoline, the market will start buying gasoline fueled cars and everything will come into equalibrium.

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