
Fuel crisis .......?

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Is this tip of the energy crisis iceberg......




  1. its going to get a lot worse before it'll get better. i miss the good old cheap days :0)

  2. It is because everyone wants a car. Horses will make a come back as a form of transport. They can be kept outside, fed cheaply, bred. And their 'by products' can be used as fertiliser.

  3. Guess we need to start drilling...maybe then overseas will get the point and lower cost...since they are the only ones making a profit.,.....

  4. yes definetly, its only going to keep snowballing from here. major change are on there way

  5. definately even public transport struggling with fuel  prices,a s my hubby taxi driver. just cant cope any more.

    something has got to change, and for the better

  6. ROB.!  What is the problem,? Don't you have public transports

    where you live??

    so why don't you get going on some of them MATE??

    or get a push Bike. or your 2 fooots, or I am wrong, I should say your 2 Feeets. hahahaha!aaaaa hahaha

  7. There is only so much you can suck out of mother earth !! we should be concentrating on other fuel and enery sources !!

  8. its a well known fact that the reserves of crude oil are fast depleting and that greedy countries are pushing the price up of oil and in some cases preventing it from being transported.  i believe we need to start looking for alternatives in fuel such as biofuel.  i know the uk doesnt have enough land to make us self sufficient in using bio fuel but we should have enough to stop our reliance upon crude oil etc.

  9. I have a strong opinion about this. Fuel at £1.26 a litre or what ever it is now is cheap!

    Not everyone will agree with me on this but bear with me.

    Marks and Spencers sell bottled mineral water at £1.87 a litre.

    A litre of bull s***n is £500

    There is a mens fragrance called Essence of Superstar which sells for £80 for 25 fl oz

    When you consider the process involved in turning oil into petrol and how it ends up in the pumps £1.26 or whatever it is now is cheap.

    Rigs are built in the oceans, men drill down thousands of feet to get crude oil. It is then put into oil tankers and sailed around the world where it is put into refineries where it is turned into petrol. Then it is put into lorries and driven all over the place and to do that for £1.26 a litre is cheap.

  10. Hi RobboOne,

    Not only fuel apparently there is a world food shortage so i think this is a time of change and some big decisions have got to be made by the world governing bodies to offset these crisis's but lots of people will make millions out of this.


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