
Fuettes, a la secconde turns, and attitude leaps?

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I am so close to my left fuettes but u cant get a la secconde turns at all! I also want to learn how to do an attitude leap or calypso but i never learned how. I've seen the just for kix videos on youtube and they kinda helped me understand but i need further help with all of these. I also need a way to get my back leg higher when i do leaps. Any other dance advice is greatly appriciated!




  1. Work on your arabesque and your strength in second. I have problems with my second turns because my leg always stays in the front. In class, work on these things and you should get better.

  2. well for your calypso...

    you ALWAYS have to make sure your front leg is straight & the back leg is bent it attitude postion. the only way u can get height during the jump is to rly use your shannay plie before your jump. never point your front leg no farther than the side, or u will just fall or stumble.

    for leaps you have to once again rly take advantage of your prep, those to "step steps" after the shasay is important to dig into the gorund & rly work your back leg to get up high, & not think about ur front leg so much.

    fuettes, well you just have to work & make sure you always plie at tjhe right front diagnol & keep your leg up & turned out.

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