
Fukuda resigns...Why can't Japanese prime ministers keep their jobs?

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What is the deal with the continuous resignations of prime ministers in Japan? Fukuda just resigned today after less than a year of service, which is just like the prior PM who also resigned before completion of a year. Koizumi is the only PM I know of that has held office for a considerable amount of time. It is a huge contrast to the US presidency which is a huge deal. Imagine if we had to have elections every single year....So basically my question is what is the deal with this pattern of short-lived leadership? I'd like to hear your opinions on this matter. Thanks.




  1. This is only my opinion but maybe it has to do with cultural difference. If shame is going to brought to the family, then it's not worth it to stay in office. This is the culture who during the samurai days, you killed yourself in honor rather than shame your family and lose.

    Fukuda is actually very similar to Obama - he promised "change" but all he wanted to do was raise taxes. He could not deliver his promises and instead of admitting he was wrong, he resigned.  

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