
Full b*****s after having baby?

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my baby will be 1 week old tomorrow and i thought i was being lucky not having full, sore b*****s with milk but on sat nite i woke up and felt like jordans surgeon had been in and worked on me in the middle of the nite, i am a 34e normally but now i am massive. the midwife told me to keep my bra on all the time even in bed and pull the straps really tight. my b*****s seem to have taken shape of my bra and are very sore to lie down with. i have been told to put cabbage leaves in my bra going to bed, surely there is something nicer i can do? also my friend said i need to get the milk out or they will get soarer - is this true? they havent been leaking or anything.. is this still to come?




  1. Yes you need to buy a breast pump asap to get the milk out.  otherwise your b*****s will keep filling up with milk and it will be way worse.  Or you can just endure it until it goes away, which might take a couple weeks at best.

  2. what you need to do is if your b*****s get engorged then you need to pump that milk out and put it either in the fridge or freezer the fridge you can store the milk up to 5 days and the freezer 3 months if you don't pump out the milk then your b*****s wont produce enough milk for your baby because your milk glands only produce what your baby is drinking and you want to keep that amount good for your baby when he gets older my new born only drinks 2-3 ounces of milk and my breast produce 8 ounces so you want to keep your milk up for your baby when he gets older  

  3. this sounds perfectly normal and should only last a day or two. Your midwife was right about the tight bra and cabbage leaves. They contain an enzyme which helps soothe you.

    Don't express the milk because this will tell your brain that your baby is feeding from you and it needs to produce more milk- thus you will remain full.

    Try taking some paracetamol and ibuporfen to ease the discomfort. there is not much else you can do apart from ride it out in the knowledge it will eas soon. If it remains for more than 3 days or you get red sore areas on the breast, speak to your GP as you may have developed an infection and need antibiotics.

  4. Hi - I am guessing you aren't nursing.  So, if you pump, you will be sending your body the signal to keep making milk.  Try NOT to pump......but when they get toooooo uncomfortable, then get in a warm shower which will probably stimulate them to express some.....just enough to give you relief.  Not sure how long the whole process will take - other people said a few days.  In the meantime, keep the tight bra on!!  GOOD LUCK!!

  5. After having my kids the nurses told me to take warm showers some how it helps them to dry the milk up and it helps the pain. they also sell pads to put in your bra to help leakage. they'll go down soon don't worry. Congratulations on your baby.

  6. Hi there congratulations on the birth of your baby.  I have 5 children and the more you have it seems the bigger and more engorged you get.  I see you are bottle feeding therefore try not to pump/express milk.  If you express milk you are telling your body you are feeding and then your body starts producing more milk.  There are gel pads you can buy that you cool in the fridge and stick them in your bra but I always found that lying in a hot bath or taking a hot shower and massaging your b*****s while doing this helped alot. You may find that you start to leak while you are doing this but thats ok.  You will have to stick this out I would say for a few days and you should start to notice a difference.  It doesn't happen overnight, they will just gradually feel softer and less sore every day!

    Hope I've helped and good luck :)

  7. You need to keep wearing tight fitting bras and to milk out your b*****s. You might even need a pump to get the milk out so the milk wont form bobbles that would obstruct your ducts and increase the sensation of soreness. You might also ask your doctor for pain relief medications too. Good luck and congratulations on having the baby

  8. Hi I would try hand expressing. Its takes a bit of getting used but is cheaper than going out and buying a pump if you dont need to. Remember thought don't just squeeze your nipples and expect an immediate milk flow. Relax in a warm bath and massage your b*****s this encourages milk flow: In fact here's a link that gives better instructions than I can:

    Be patient and RELAX. You may not get a lot out but every bit makes a difference if your b*****s are engorged. If you have hard lumps and red patches and your b*****s are very warm phone you HV in the morning as this is a sign of Mastitis.

    Good Luck

  9. I would give your doctor a ring in the morning, you had your baby a week ago your milk should be coming already, the soreness usually happens on about day 2 after having your baby and they feel like bricks, really sore, you could get mastitis (think thats how you spell it) which is extremely painful, your midwife should of explained all this to you so hopefully your doctor will do a better job

    Here is a link on mastitis

  10. You may need to pump them when they get that sore.  Cabbage works great - but you only need to use it for about 10 minutes.  Also, try a cool compress when they are sore.  I pumped when my b*****s got very sore and they dried up very shortly after - which I was trying to do.  If you are trying to dry up, it will take a little longer if you pump, but they won't be as sore.  If not, pump and freeze the extra for later.

  11. If you pump then you will get more should ignore the milk and the pain and it will be gone in about 3 days...I know..I've been there twice. DONT pump!

  12. lol,i remember this well! funny enough i said i felt like jordan 2! it will pass in a few days-jus get a bigger comfortable bra,sleep facing up (i was crying in pain otherwise!) and take the strongest painkillers you can find (ibrufen) hope this helps it does pass! (I didnt express my milk it just went after bout 2 days!)

  13. Are you nursing? If so, Yes, get the milk out, pump or nurse your baby.  If you are not, this is something you will have to wait out.  It will pass.  If you release the milk, it will feel better but your body will only create more and prolong the process of drying up.  You may start to leak though, so just be aware.

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