
Full information about bermuda ?

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i was listen that USA 5 Aeroplanes gone for training after they not come back and then USA send 2 rescue aeroplanes and then they not come . and when they wanna see bermuda from satellite then screen is look like crash damage NON Muslim says that devil is at bermuda but . Muslims says that there is DAJAL he will come but idont know when he comes .




  1. there are many explanations about bermuda triangle but others are fictional such as the theory which states that Atlantis sank on that area and some even claimed this the location entry for h**l,illusions,extraterrestrial beings,UFO attacks but there are natural theories too such as strong hurricanes(possible reason for loss of aircrafts),ninth waves or very huge waves(possible loss of ships),errors made by humans, and tropical storms and some people claimed that the electromagnetic activity on the area is high and can distort mechanic operations and devices probably leading to crashes and malfunctions.

    until now there is no proven reason but as long as we fasten our seatbelts we will not need to worry on spoiling our milk down that triangle

  2. Methane hydrates

    An explanation for some of the disappearances has focused on the presence of vast fields of methane hydrates on the continental shelves.

    Laboratory experiments carried out in Australia have proven that bubbles can, indeed, sink a scale model ship by decreasing the density of the water; any wreckage consequently rising to the surface would be rapidly dispersed by the Gulf Stream.

    It has been hypothesized that periodic methane eruptions (sometimes called "mud volcanoes") may produce regions of frothy water that are no longer capable of providing adequate buoyancy for ships.

    If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could cause it to sink very rapidly and without warning.

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