
Full suspension or just front suspension for my new bike ?

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i am going to get a new pedal bike and i am pretty hardcore. i am going to trail ride but i still want a good bike for jumps. we will mainly trailride though. so should i get a full suspension bike or a hard tail?

thank you




  1. hardtails are better for jumps but FS (full suspension) is more comfortable on trails e-mail me back to tell what you got

  2. You could get a decent XC bike , or decent full suspension bike; If you jump a light XC bike you can easily break it, if you XC a cheap bouncer you will not keep up with your mates on the uphills. So, to do both disciplines well, you will need to spend some serious money:

    Have a look at the Specialized S-works Enduro SL for an example. or I could sell you my Giant AC team...!

    In your case I would recommend one option is to own 2 separate bikes: a decent XC hardtail, and a separate bike that will survive your pogo urges, I don't know much about this genre, except that the top BMX brands also make some pretty bombproof stuff.

  3. Whats your budget?  I think that a full suspension will be better for your riding.  It will adapt better for the trails, and will probably take abuse better than a hardtail.

  4. full suspension is more comfortable and better for jumping but, there more heaver hard to put on a car rack and they have a really wierd place to put a water bottle and hard tails are more symple to ride and carry, so what sounds good to you?

  5. depends what trails and your comfort things!

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