
Fully Accredited high school diploma online?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, I'm looking into going back into highschool, but I NEVER want to go back into the classes. I hated that. So I've been researching on how to do it online and I found 2 sites, but I'm not sure if their trustworthy, I need information on these two schools:




Are these schools trustworthy? Anyone gone to them or know people who have?

If I do finish my high school diploma from one of these schools will my high school diploma be like any normal one? I want to get jobs and such and if they see "online" on the diploma or anything they probably won't hire me.

Also I'm hoping to maybe get into a college with these, would they accept it?




  1. Someone asked a similar question at this url:

    Apparently 'continental' is Not accredited by an organization recognized by the 'department of education'.

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