
Fun,easy way to teach my 4 yr old twins their ABC's?

by Guest57638  |  earlier

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My 4 yr old twins dont really concentrate for very long,so far they can count to 10,know most of their colors and the easy shapes circle,square,triangle,diamond and rectangle and they can copy letters after I write but they have no idea the order the ABC's go in.They say A..B.. and thats it.Is there a fun easy way to teach them the alphabet?




  1. Singing is not appealing to EVERY kid, i would try doing something like...

    Take construction paper write one letter on each piece, lay them on the floor to make a huge board game out of them,

    take 5 or 6 slips of paper that say things like Food, Animals, toys, colors... and whatever else they like (my son likes superheroes)  

    have them draw a peice of paper out of a hat that say those things, and they have to think up a "food" that goes with that letter.., who ever gets it right first gets to move on to the next letter..

    make them say each letter in order from the beginning,,, A- Aardvark, B- Ball, C- Candy, D- Donut, E-Elephant... and each turn they both have to recite what they picked and the letter.and then at z they have to try to remember ALL the things they picked.

  2. The ABC song.

  3. My son knows the ABC's but not in order.. He learned his ABC's from those ABC maginets u can get almost anywhere.. He loves to play with them constantly.

    He has started to learn the order because we will sit in front of the fridge and put them into order. I will say ok we need to find the A and he will find it and put it over the others. Then I say what comes next? and then I will say B comes next! Now lets find the B and I will do that with all the letters. I give him lots of praise when he finds the right letter. We started doing that last week and He already starting to get the order right.

    The ABC song doesn't work really well with him. He likes singing it but it mostly sounds like he is humming.

    We also taught him his colors by those letters too because they are diffrent colors.  So you might want to try that. Your kids might need more interactive stuff like my son did because just seeing it on tv and singing didn't work. Also We got the number set too and he can name all his numbers off and he is getting them all in order now.

    Just keep up the encouragement and praise. Also you might want to make them a coloring book of the ABC's in order or little flash cards. You can get some of those index cards and on the Line Side Put an A and a little a and Then on the other side draw something that begines with an A. Then you can have your kids help you by coloring them or picking out the thing that starts with an A.

    Then after they are made you can go back through and have them make a game out of putting them in the right order. I know with my son things like this work because he likes to be involved rather than just see.

    Best of Luck :D

  4. Sing it with them when you give them their bath, when you play with them, at random times during the day... :)

  5. get a few old books cataloges etc and cut out the pictures which corrispond i.e a is for apple action man B is for bee barny C is for chocolate chicken etc

    alow both boys to make their own book as they may want something different in them and get each of them to say out loud and i mean loud A IS FOR  then what they have in their book

    brfore you know it they can identifie abcs the letters in any order the abc song is rememberance they just need a new approch to remembering

    good luck xx

  6. Have you tried hanging large letters in their rooms at their level.

  7. I don't remember what it's called, but there's this one leapfrog video for learning the alphabet. It has Tad and his family go to a letter factory. My two year old cousin learned her ABC's that way. You could just play the video and go do something else. Her parents played the video A LOT, and they sang it to her when she wasn't watching it. If she wanted some dessert or something, they'd ask her to sing the abc's with them. Motivation. :]

  8. get a puzzle and let him do his ABC  AND LET HIM SING IT WITH YOU!

  9. there is a great sesame street based video called "all star alphabet" that ruby (13 months) loves. i think it would be even better for older kids. furthermore, pick a healthful snack that they love and prepare it in alphabet shapes. since they are twins, you have a lotof "game" options. get yourself a whistle and a soft ball. you play the referee. they have to roll or throw the ball back and forth to each other and say the consecutive letters with each roll/toss. so one says "a" and throws it to the other who says "b" as s/he catches it. when one gets the letter wrong or pauses for too long, you blow the whistle (with a smile and a giggle). when they make it through the whole alphabet (even if there were mistakes along the way), make a huge fuss, blow the whistle like crazy, and let them BOTH pick one from a choice of a few prizes (a favorite video, a treat, whatever works for them). you can creat other, similar games -- i'm sure you get the point. good luck!

  10. I have an amazing solution to learn the alphabet in a fun and easy way!I used with my kids and it worked. Magnetic Trace a Letter Alphabet Set contains all 26 English alphabet letters and kids use the magnetic wands to trace each letter! In this link you can find all the way to teach your kids abc's .

  11. Make 2 sets of ABC's, put one set in a container & hide the others in certain areas in the house. When they take out one of the letters, tell them now we need to find a match to this letter & name it . They need to say what letter it is & when they find it and say it right, then praise them like crazy. If you want, you can add pictures on them:apple on the A etc.. This way they put the letters with words & they learn more than one thing.

  12. I have a Leapfrog ABC toy that goes on the fridge. (Magnets). My sister-in-law gave it to me. She swears both of her boys learned their alphabets from it by the time they were 2 just from playing with it. There is each letter from the alphabet and they can put it on the laepfrog pad, and it will say for example "A, A, A says Ah, and A says A, every letter makes a sound A says Ah and A. So not only does it teach them all of their letters but the sounds each letter makes.

  13. Knowing the order of the letters in the alphabet is really quite an irrelevant skill when it comes to reading / literacy. Recognising individual letters and the sounds they are associated with is much more important ... the ABC song is not very useful for that (though it is a fun song to sing).

    Read lots of books with them, far more interactive than a DVD.

  14. My 4year old sister went to preschool so I don't really know how they taught her, but maybe in the mornings you can let them watch playhouse Disney. Sing the ABC's  with them in the car too.

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