
Fun 6 year-old girl birthday ideas?

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What have you done? We want to have a few of her friends over to celebrate and are looking for theme, craft, food, and/or game ideas





  1. Princess parties are fun.  Everyone has a princess dress at home.  We had all the girls to wear their favorite princess dress.  We gave out crowns as favors.  It started a trend.

  2. For my daughters sixth bday party we did a cowgirl theme.  We did an obstacle course with hay bails and a broom stick horse to gallop on, we did corn, hot dogs and beans for lunch, and I got this huge party pack plus filled loot bags from for a great price.  For games you could get a super soaker water gun and shoot tin cans, or have a pile of hay and the guests have to find something in it. I also did tie dye shirts that turned out really well. I made a cake for my daughter with her as a cowgirl.  (you can see a pic at It should be close to the top.  Good luck, hope I gave you some ideas!!

  3. its not the theme that makes it, its the activities. some of my past favorites...

    slip and slide

    bounce house

    pizza  (or make your own pizza)

    pinatas no matter what

    pirate themes are always fun

    water party/water war

    gymnastics places usually have fun fun fun birthday stuff

    the park (set up the party at the park and do a bbq)

    obstacle coarse

    my friend stephanies mom once took a present and wrapped it with like 20 different layers of wrapping paper. each layer had a tg on it that said something like "to whoever has the coolest shoes" or "to whoever has brown hair" or "to whoever is wearing pink"

    the idea is that the first person unwraps the first layer and then reads the tag and it goes to whoever accords along with that tag (ie; wearing pink). its like musical chairs with a present. so it goes around and around and everyone gets to feel like they own a present and whoever opens the last layer wins the gift.  i just remember that it was really fun and really exciting when i was a kid.

  4. One of the best creative activities to do with kids at this age is to get them to make terrariums!  Go to your local dollar store (or goodwill) and look for little clear glass bowls or vases (round with a small opening in the top).  Have the kids go outside into the yard, or to a local park, and collect moss, stones, small plants and ferns and put them in their "collector bags".  

    At home, fill the bottom of the bowls with a small amount of rocks (about 1/2 inch thick).  Then have the children place the moss and other found plants in the terrarium.  You can also get some very small figurines to set inside this mini-world as well.  Add a small amount of water and cover with saran wrap - it's a self-sustaining environment!  

    This is a great activities to do outdoors, and it's cheap and easy to do!  The kids will have wonderful party favors to bring home.  

    Good luck!

  5. If it's hot out it's great to let six year olds run around in the sprinklers, and set up a slip and slide.  Other fun ideas are pin the tail on the donkey, hide and seek, sock/bag puppet making, pinata, and cookie decorating/pizza making (letting them add their own sprinkles/ pepperoni and cheese)

  6. Barbie birthday. Make one of thos barbie cakes with the doll in the middle and the cake is her dress. Little girls love that stuff!

  7. Food: french fries, nuggets, egg sandwich

    Games: musical chair, water balloon game

  8. 4 the theme do wat ever she into like a princess-castle theme,Dora,barbie,bratz,hello kitty.

    just get some craft sticks and let them go crazy with making animals.

    well why not have a cook out on the grill along with some various chips


    games-pin the dankey on the donkey,music, chairs, hide an seek

    have a contest with the best ideas  

  9. for food, kids are always attracted to brightly coloured stuff, so you could make one of those hedgehogs (made from half a melon and tinfoil)and stick in fruity bits or jelly sweets etc.

    for games you could do pin the tail on the donkey,hide and seek, pass the parcel

    Theme could be magical so youd get ppl as mermaids and fairies and witches and stuff

    Craft-when i was small, my mum helped me and some friends make spoon characters.It sounds stupid but was really fun at that age.

    Also you could bake cakes and let them decorate them

    have fun!

  10. Costume parties are always fun for the kids and the adults.    

    As for crafts:

    Jewelry boxes, pick up wooden boxes at the dollar store and paints, stickers, glitter (if you dare ;) and other such accessories to decorate their "Treasure Boxes".  

    Get beading kits at the dollar store too.   That way the girls can create treasures for their Jewelry box.

    Just about any fun craft is a good bet.  

    If you want the fun more contained, give an indoor/outdoor tent as her main gift.    They're easy to pop up in the livingroom for the girls to play in and they help to keep the energy levels under control.  

    Have fun :D

  11. When I was about six years old, my mom had us make jewelry. It was very easy and til this day I still make necklaces and bracelets..  

    Here what you need. fish wire, or something sturdy enough to hold small beads. (they are small) and clasps. Then just have a bunch of different bowls with different color beads for the girls. Have them slide the beads on the wire and just make sure one end has the clasp. Then have an adult tie them and there you go!

    You can do the same for the bracelets. However my mom had us use safety pins you put beads small medium large different styles on the open end of the pin close them, then when you put the safety pins through the whole make sure one is up right then the next is upside down, and so on. put the elastic through the top and bottom of the pins and there you go.

    I think I may have been a bit older. But I loved and so did my friends.

    another thing you can do is get sugar cookies and have the girl's decorate themselves.  

  12. pin the tail on the donkey, balloon toss, fruit trays for snacks, for the theme i would get what character she likes right now... maybe get a slippin slide, u could do the marbles in a bucket with ice and water and they try to get as many marbles as they can with their toes u give them 1min or 2. my daughter liked that game. or u could get balloons and some yarn or ribbon and tie it to the balloon then to their ankle and everyone tries to pop others balloon with out getting theirs popped, once its popped they r out...   HAVE FUN!!  :)  

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