
Fun Pregnancy Quiz for Mommies to Be?

by  |  earlier

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I just thought this quiz would be a little bit of fun :)

What is your age? (18)

How many weeks are you? (41+4, getting induced Friday)

Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (I know I am having a girl)

Do you have any other kids? (A little girl but I don't have full custody of her, her daddy does)

What are their ages? (1.5 years old or 18 months)

What is your relationship status? (I have a boyfriend who is the father of the baby)

You can skip any of the answers if it is info you don't want to reveal, I don't mind :)

The ones in () are my answers.

P.S. Please don't judge me, I know the mistakes I have made.




  1. What is your age?   [Almost 17]

    How many weeks are you?   [16]

    Do you know the s*x?   [Not yet, but i can't wait]

    Do you have other kids?   [No]

    What is your relationship status?   [Boyfriend/Father of baby]  

  2. I am 23 and DH is 25.

    I am 8.3 weeks with twins.

    I hope to find out the s*x of both.

    No other kids.

    I have been with my husband for 7 years and married for 5 years.

  3. 20

    4/5 weeks

    I will when the time comes.



    taken 4 over 7 yrs.

  4. What is your age? (26)

    How many weeks are you? (11 + 2)

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (I don't know yet)

    Do you have any other kids? (No, we had been trying for about 7 years)

    What are their ages? ()

    What is your relationship status? (Married for almost 7 years but we have been together for 11 years)

  5. I'm 24

    I'm 38 weeks, due Sept. 16

    It's a BOY

    I have one other son, and two daughters, my son is 5, and my daughters are 2 and 1.

    I'm married

    Congrats on your baby, and good luck with Friday.

  6. What is your age? (20)

    How many weeks are you? (15)

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (Finding out October 8th!!!!!)

    Do you have any other kids? (this is my 1st )

    What are their ages? ()

    What is your relationship status? (Dating the father of the baby)

  7. What is your age? 26

    How many weeks are you? 35

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? having a girl (Jocelyn Elise)

    Do you have any other kids? no this is my first

    What are their ages?

    What is your relationship status? married for 3 years together for 8

    that was fun.

  8. 1.) 13.5

    2.) 29

    3.) baby girl!

    4.) no

    5.) none

    6.) no relationship. the father ditched me. i am however giving up he babay for adoption

    I know wat u mean about being judged! compared to me, 18 isnt bad

  9. 1)  28

    2)  12 weeks

    3)  too soon to tell

    4)  no

    5)  n/a

    6)  married 10 years, together for 12

  10. Age: 21

    Weeks: 36, due October 1st

    s*x: Girl

    Other kids: 1 boy

    Age: Turning 6 years old 5 days after my due date!

    Relationship: Engaged to my baby to be's father

    P.S.- No one needs to judge you. I had my son when I was 15 years old so I personally don't judge anyone for anything lol. Congrats and good luck.  :)

  11. What is your age? (19, 20 in November)

    How many weeks are you? (38 weeks 1 day)

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (I'm having a boy)

    Do you have any other kids? (Nope this will be my first)

    What are their ages? (...)

    What is your relationship status? (Engaged planning on being married next November)

  12. What is your age?  22

    How many weeks are you? 4w4d

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (to early to tell

    Do you have any other kids? one in heaven (miscarrige)

    What are their ages? ....

    What is your relationship status? single

  13. 1)  23

    2)  8

    3)  It will hopefully be a suprise

    4)  3 year old boy, 2 year old daughter

    5)  Married

  14. 28


    Too early to know...but I want a girl

    No children...3rd pg though


    Married 3yrs Dec

  15. 19


    Surprise... Ugh!! LOL.

    No other children

    I have a long term bf!

  16. What is your age? (24 on sunday)

    How many weeks are you? (34wks)

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (a little girl)

    Do you have any other kids? (A little girl)

    What are their ages? (23mths on the 9th of sept)

    What is your relationship status? (i am married, i have been with my husband for 8yrs now :-)

  17. What is your age? 19

    How many weeks are you? 29 on Friday

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? It's a BOY

    Do you have any other kids? Nopers

    What are their ages? N/A

    What is your relationship status? Happily engaged :)

    Good luck & congrats! :)

  18. I already am a mommy... but i want to take it anyways haha

    1) I am 18

    2) I have a baby boy.

    3) He is 6 1/2 months old.

    4) i have a boyfriend who is my sons father.

    Lol.. i love quizzes!! haha

  19. What is your age? 26 years old

    How many weeks are you? I am 18 weeks pregnant

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? I can't wait to find out the s*x! I will find out next week. I don't know which I would prefer, but I can't wait to find out either way.

    Do you have any other kids? nope, this is my first

    What are their ages? NA

    What is your relationship status? My husband and I have been married 2 years this September

    That was fun. I love reading through responses. Congrats on your bundle of joy!

  20. What is your age? (20)

    How many weeks are you? (9)

    Do you know the s*x or is it a surprise? (Too early to tell)

    Do you have any other kids? (Yes I have a boy)

    What are their ages? (He will be turning 4 Sept. 8)

    What is your relationship status? (I have been engaged for about 3 years now and have been with my fiance for 7 years)

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