
Fun With Tree Stumps: Would It Be A Bad Idea To...?

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I Have a stump in my front yard, hatchets, pickaxes, shovels, stump killer, etc, nothing seems to work. i've even tryed soaking it in water (to loosen the wood) which worked somewhat but the stump is still in tact.

theres a hole dug under it, and i came up with an idea.

If i put a sodabottle under it, with drano/liquid plumr and aluminum foil in it, would it be a good idea?

of course, i'd test how big the blast is gonna be before hand, but i mean, you think if i put it in a small hole under the stump it'll work?




  1. rock salt will take care of it in about 4 months if you have the time..i swear by it!! i dump my left overs from winter on mine.the stump will brake apart like a hard cookie.

  2. Not likely.

    There are companies that will chip up a stump to below ground level.

    If you can cut the roots that spread out from it, you may be able to drag it out with a cable attached to a truck. Depends on the type of tree and whether it has a tap root or spreading roots like a fir tree.

  3. It's not going to work like that but, you may lose your eyesight if you have an early explosion, a hand, etc. Also, making homemade bombs is against the homeland security law, a Federal offense.

  4. Try this.  Light up a pile of charcoal briquettes and when they get burning nicely transfer the pile to the stump, and gradually burn the thing away.

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