
Fun arty acticities?? 10 points!!?

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i am on school holidays at the moment and i seem to be on the computer ALL DAY!!!! my mum is getting sick of me being on as well as my self. what are some fun arty activites that are easy and uses lots of colour??

10 points for the best answer!!




  1. make a colour theme collage! heaps of fun and it looks amazing, use old mags whatever type and look at different textures and shades of one colour and objects in the colour theme. Cut them out and arange them on poster paper! if u wanna be extra nifty cut out letters in the colours and put ur name on you artwork!!

  2. Make some handmade greeting cards for someones birthday or Special occasion coming up! Take a look at

    for ideas!

  3. you could join some classes like drawing and painting, craft, glass painting, pottery, dress designing/fabric painting, or you could try to redecorate your room with minimum expense. that will be great fun and an interesting challenge! you could give your room a complete makeover by the end of the summer hols! i did that last summer and enjoyed it. it took me the entire summer to finish as i went all over town to get great but cheap stuff and seriously if you are patient then it will hardly cost you a thing!! or ask permission to repaint your furniture or any other stuff around your house... else you can make interesting stuff like wind chimes or lamps for you r room or the entire house - it will be fun and productive. hope this helps, enjoy your hols!  :)

  4. I've been doing this so I know it works...  If you've got lots of photos from your childhood or something like that you could buy a scrapbook or photo album and put all those pics in there and add little notes on that day or something like that! It's artsy but doesnt require too much money or meterials!!!

  5. Well over my childhood I would probably do a painting or a real cool sketch of your backyard using fine detail lots of Beautiful colours and paint and Texta as well as colouring pencils. *Scrapbooking!*

    *make a special art folder to put all your art work in!*

    *write your own story and draw pics!*

    Redecorate your room

    take art classes

    beading classes

    lamp making

    paper lantern making

    collage using newspapers or  old magazines

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