
Fun babysitting games and activities?

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I'm babysitting 7 year old twins for two days. One is a boy who is allergic to dairy products (anything food involved is out) and the other is a girl. I need some fun games and activities that I can play with them. Any ideas?




  1. Get some white tee-shirts and some washable markers and make them design shirts, and tehn take them out to park, play some games, they'll love the attention they'll get, and afterwards, put the shirts in th washing machine and you guys can do it again ! Or make skits WITH them, then act them out, and maybe make costumes using the white t-shirt idea. Two in one, baby (:

  2. Okay, kids LOVE it when you bring something new. Maybe you might want to bring something of your own from home, like a game or anything. Or, if the parents will allow it, take them out to a nearby lake/beach or waterpark. Kids love carnivals as well, or picnics. Another time killing thing to do is take them out to the movies or play some hide-n-go-seek at night . They also loveeeeeeeee crafts.  Camp outside for a night. I'm sorry, my ideas aren't very original [I baby sit a 8 month old] so I haven't gotten the chance to do anything exciting. Maybe buy a cheap waterslide for 19.99 at a walmart or target?

  3. Rent a few Disney's movies and make popcorn

    Go bowling, go to the zoo, go feed the ducks, or go on a pic-


    Play games or do arts & crafts

    Play hide-n-seek, play some basketball, or take a walk in the neighborhood.

    Go swimming

  4. -when i babysit, i "make up" a play to do with them, just like a really easy one that the kids will remember. they'll love it, and so will the parents! :D

    - color with them

    - play "school"

    -let them pretend that they are your babysitter: they'll get a kick out of it!

    - play "store"

    -let them cook with you.

    -hide and go seek

    -let them take turns choosing each activity.

    -dance with their favorite music

    -tell stories before they go to bed.

    -have a  "joke-telling" party.

    Good luck!!! :D

  5. well i baby sit for i 5 year old and a 2 year old their both boys and they like simple games, but probly for 7 year olds you could play like bord games and mostly all kids like arts and crafts, you could play fun games like i use to in elemartry school like duck duck goes or like telephone, and hand games are always fun too! you could also try asking them what they like to do and use what they say for ideas! hope i could sorta help you, good luck.

  6. Take them to a park, or fly a kite.....outdoor activities always tucker kids out.  

    Ask them if they have a favorite board game and play that.

    Craft paper and painting is always a hit too.

    Rent a couple kid friendly movies.

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