
Fun board game for teens who like to mess around?

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I'm doing a project for school and i need a board game that would make everyone laugh and mess around...please give me some ideas!! besides twister..




  1. the best game ever for teens is Cranium. There are so many tasks to do. First you roll a die and move each space is mathced to a color. You draw a matching card. Each cad tells you to do something different. For example a red card tells you to get your team guess the word on the card by acting it out like charads. A blue card tells you to get your team to guess the word on the card by drawing like pictionary, the yellow card tells you to make your team guess a song by humming it. the green card makes tells you to make yur team guess the word by moving one of your teamates like a puppet like chards except your making someonelse act. Its so much fun and your and your friends wont stop laughing.

  2. "Apples to Apples" - A card game that everyone loves.  Players each have a hand of cards with nouns (School, Mom, Mac and Cheese, etc).  Players take turns playing the 'judge' who plays an Adjective card from another deck.  Players each play a card they feel matches best from their hand and the judge chooses the best card.  Everyone has a good laugh at some of the cards that get played.  Available EVERYWHERE.

    "iMAgiNiff" - The names of the players and their friends are written on a board.  Roll a die to move a marker around the board, landing on one of the written names.  Then draw a card from the deck that ask a question about the person ("Imagine if 'Tom' was a car, what would he be? A:VW Bug, B:Pink Cadillac, C:57 Chevy, D: Golf Cart).  Players vote and those who answered with the most common answer get points.  This may be harder to find, but available on-line from

    There are also several party games that don't require you buy anything:

    "Big Wind Blows" - Rules at

    "Adverb game" -

  3. We enjoy a game called Moods produced by Hasbro. Dice are rolled in secret after a group of mood cards (anger, surprise, s**y, sulky, scared, etc,) are placed on the board.  The number rolled designates one of the moods.  The player then draws a a card from the phrase stack and has to say the phrase in the specific mood.  The other players then get one guess to figure out which mood was used.  Those which are right get to move forward on the game board.  Some of the phrases are really funny and when added to the moods become outrageous.  More info can be found at the link below.

  4. For interactive play, lots of laughing and a generally hilarious time, I'd recommend finding a copy of Quelf.  It's like an amped up, sillier version of Cranium, and a lot of fun.

    Info about the game:

    Video of people playing:

    Find someone who carries the game, here:

    Happy gaming!

  5. urm...twister is a fun one!!..but urmm....pictionary is jokess!!!...and you could try taboo because people try really hard and get over-exctied trying to guess the word..i took that into school once!!!...or you could try operation or mousetrap or that game whihc is really kiddish but is fun...the one where you have to pull the little sticks out and make sure the balls or monkeys dont fall or you'll lose!!..or you could try Jenga..thats really FUN..Good luck...!

  6. all you have to do is leave them in a room

  7. Pictionary, Taboo

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