
Fun drinking games with boys and girls?

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  1. I second strip beer pong.

  2. My bandmates and I love this game, and it's very fun to play with birds as well. It's called Edward Fortyhands the rules are thus:

    Tape two forty oz to your hands and anyone else who is playing will need to strap  two forty oz to their hands. You can't take off either bottle until you've finished them (BOTH) completely. First one to finish (BOTH) wins. The rules can vary. You can allow people to go to the loo, scratch their face make a phone call first or you can choose to not let them do any thing so it's more of an incentive that they finish first.

      Cheers and happy drinking.

  3. strip beer pong

  4. 3 Man. It's a dice game

  5. Sociables

    you take a deck of cards and mic them face down on a table then one by on one you each pick a card.

    each card represents a different thing...

    like if someone picked up a king then they would have to do a "I have never" the person who picked the card has to say something that they have never done like i have never jad s*x then all the ppl who have, have to drink..

    theres the waterfall card (3) whoever picks this card up has to drink then the person the left of them starts to drink and so on.... nobody can stop drinking until the person on thier right has stopped.

    there are a bunch of other rules and cards that you can search on google have fun!

  6. if you go to  fungames and scroll down to and press on it you can scroll down as far as you can go and go to p**s drunk but its hard

  7. Flip Cup:

    You can use a banquet table or a beer pong table.  Get an even amount of players per team.  Line each team along the long side of the table.  Put a plastic cup in front of each person and fill the cup maybe half way or so with beer.  Start the game by the two first people of each side drinking their cup, putting the cup down right side up on the edge of the table and then having to flip the cup upside down----as soon as that person gets it---move on to the next until what ever team gets to the end and has all the cups flipped over first.  It's easy at first but as the night goes on it's a lot harder than you think!  Have fun!!

  8. Youll need a Cask of wine (box wine, goon bag)

    a car full of friends, one who can drive and remain sober

    go for a drive to somewere thats going to have alot of traffic lights. every time you stop at a red light everybody has a chug from the goonbag.

    It will be the only time you want to get a red light

  9. Try these:

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