
Fun driving range challenges?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone know any fun competitive things that can be played at the driving range? No distance challenge though, I'd get whooped! :)




  1. Seldom do you have another person with you at the range. There are targets at various distances. Don't shoot at one  with  consecutive shots. Pick a target and shoot for it. See how close you come. Vary the next shot to a different target with the same club or  different club and see how close you come. Keep doing this and you will see a decided improvement in the quality of your shots. Then top it off with 10 shots to the closest target and see how many times you can hit it.

  2. Play with a partner and call a shot during the backswing.  Low draw, high fade, etc.  See if you and your partner can alter the swing path mid swing to produce different ball flights.  Tiger did this in a commercial a while back.

  3. Yeah, first one to hit the guy retieving the balls wins

  4. Try to hit the targets they have out there with different clubs.  For example, aim at the 100 yd. pin/marker and try to hit it with a 6-iron.     Maybe try to hit a very low shot to practice the shot you may have on the course if you get in the trees.   Or choke up and make a full swing.   Other things to try are to purposely fade or draw a ball around a target/pin.

  5. there are none cuz golf blows!!! so does the PGA

  6. hit the cart cuy and try to tip him over. (it is possible, i have done it), or bring an foghorn and challenge someone to any challenge and blow it in thier backswing

  7. Play HORSE, just like the kids basketball game.  Pick who goes first and then tell the other person what kind of shot you are playing and where you expect the ball to end up.  If you pull off the shot, he must mimic it and get his ball to end up in the same area.  It's fun to try to match the other person shot for shot and forces you to improve your draw and fading ability as well as distance control.

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