
Fun ideas to do for a webshow?

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me&a friend are thinking about making a websowww .

but we need ideas haha give us some helppp ?:)




  1. Guest56172

     I got one go to a theme park and record one of your friends or someone riding a ride and zoom in on their face. its priceless



  2. I'm thinking about a webshow. I'm really sycked that we have really cool competaters. Me and my best friend love iCarly, but i6ts really hard to come up great, mindblowing ideas!!! :)

  3.  Die in h**l?

  4. Smash Eggs With A Hammer (;


  5. Hi! Just try all those ideas but don't listen to what the bad comments say! Try to do somethink=g LIKE randome dancing but not exactly the same! We put up our Bloopers and practcing and stuff lol


  6.  i need an idea for my web show please non from icarly


  7.  yea we need help too!!!!!!! omg soo like no ideas from icarly please 

  8. im trying to find ideas aswell, check out my webshow and if you have a webshow msg me and we can share ideas :)




  10. u could always make a music video from another song o make ur own or u have makeoves pillow fight    prank call skit off a tv show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. wel   i have a webshow too and we need ideas too and this realy helped allot. funnychics webshow its still under construcion making videos  every month

    my idea for you is film everything before you post something on youtube or other site i mean ALL videos if you post one and then wait and make the other  people could get tired of waiting ( ps thats what happend to us and now we are filming all and posting every month.) so film all and then put them on youtube ever week/month/year . dont make videos too long max  7  minutes if its realy good but make it like 5 minutes ( thats what happend to us we made ours 15 minutes long ) if its too long people will get bored. also make them RANDOM  make stuff that no one will expect( what about a dancing hotdog? joking) make script so you know what to do next and write every idea down ( we forgot all of our ideas :s) get a good camara not a realy cheap one and doesnt need to be a realy expensive one but atleast one that has good quality and get a camara stand so  the person holding the camara doesnt shake the camara ( you cant see if the camara is shaking) so put it on a stand. also what we did wrong was filming inside , i mean you can but make sure  you have good light or else you wont see whats going on and if its outside the sunlight will help. also dont make the videos to loud people find that anoying watch ibuddies they get allot of views but  they have all theyre short videos in a long one the only problem about ibuddies is the scream allot and people find that anoying. i hope this helps( for you and me)

  12. no body cares lol

  13. heyy you should do MAKEOVERS me and my friend does webshows and for one of our webshows we did makeovers and it was really fun and hilarious! you could make it funny like a clown!


    hope this helped :)

  14. assssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssasssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

  15. Thats messed up wat some of these ppl are saying.. d**n ppl get a life..

  16. Me and my friend have a webshow. We like have singing contests, draw a smiley face and put make up on it! Have like floating knickers hanging from the ceiling! Plz check us out on facebook! Search Molly-Gabby Willis! Lol! xx thanks!

  17. U Could Suck A d**k U Uglyass Bitchh

  18. Someething like Weve got no Talent show skit.
    You could have peopel singing or dancing in a funny way.

  19. I think doing funny,wacky and crazy things will do good! Plus everytime you shoot the camera with different webisodes, it should have a different topic. And don't be rude or boring because that will lose you a lot of viewers!

  20. You can have a game show on your web show

  21. well me and my friend have a web show called igirls but if u tipe in kdccrystal28 on utube ull see us and if u need ideas then tipe in on utube kdccrystal28 ull see all our ideas and they might give u an idea too.

  22. you can do plays , pillow fights and the guys who wrote are awesome                    and check out my webshow at

  23. heey
    i am on a webshow aswell called the molzii and kayzy show so far it is rubbish we need loads of ideas.
    we have done our own top 10 music so you could do that.
    our show is on youtube come check it out x

  24. Make a funny rap about food, eat something gross, get an old piece of technology that you no longer want and smash it with a hammer.

    Do something that has not been done that much and that will get a lot of views!

  25. act like hobos and fairies that what my bro and i did

  26. make a drawing a weird drawing of you,get random lights/black light have a crazy fashon show

  27. throw bananas at each other

  28. same as above also you can maybe go out to the movies with your friends an record your self and just having fun and go out to the stores try out all these crazy outfits and tape yourself it would be awsome

  29. you can dunk ur heads in water,blind makeovers,crazy contest,music,random dancing or whateva,prank call, weriod dress up,have a play or fashion show,weriod pet dress up.

  30. wow ur so racist first girl OMG!!!!! GOD!!!!!!!!

  31. On a webshow, you have to do crazy things and funny things to get high views! Ok,you can do a fashion show! Do outfits from the 50's and up! That will get you alot of views! You can also do a music video of you lip syncing to one of the hottest songs! You can do a waterballoon fight or some kind of water fight!(spraying your friends with the hose,etc.) You can do crazy make overs and diffrent funky hair doos! You can dress up as a guy and pretend its your friend!You can prank call a pizza place,best buy,or any other store and do a funny voice! You can do a relay race in your backyard! You can make videos of you and your friends when you are home alone and blast the music and pretend to play the guitar!! You can do a brain teaser and which ever person on the comments gets it right first,wins!! You can do comedy skits! I mean,who DOESN'T like comedy skits? You can tape you and your friends in the pool swimming around!You can play volleyball with your friends! You can show your dog or cat! Also,check out my videos at!!!

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