
Fun night games?????????

by  |  earlier

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my birthday is tonight and i am having a sleepover with a few of my friends, and i want to play some night games with them. the ones i already plan on playing are: sardines, ghost in the graveyard, murder in the dark, mophia, kick the can, hide and seek tag, charades, light as a feather, stiff as a board... i know this sounds like plenty, but i would like a few more scary ones.




  1. man hunt, murderer, and ive never... they are all good games

  2. We play one called "Fugitive" what you do is pick a group of "Cops" and a group of "Fugitives." You give the fugitives a destination (maybe a house a mile or so away. We usually go to our church just because it is a convenient distance from our home.)  The fugitive group gets a 3-5 minute head-start, and then the cops start chasing after them. The key is that the Fugitives can't be seen at all. The cops don't have to tag them or anything, all you have to do is spot them with your flashlight. The fugitives have to escape by crawling through back yards, hopping fences, diving into bushes, etc. You give the fugitives a time limit so they don't just hide all night, and create a boundary of 2-3 city blocks so they can't just run a huge loop.

    It is really fun. As a nice twist you can give the cops a car to drive around in (assuming one of you is old enough to drive) but it works on foot too. Its kinda fun cuz you gotta creep around, and not wake the neighbors either. Just be careful of dogs and things like that, don't want anybody to get bit. Sometimes the dogs bark and tip the cops off too which is another challenge :)

    Have fun!!

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