
Fun outdoor games, pls !

by  |  earlier

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games for about 100 people or more in 20 mnts. i need it soon. if you can give me the unusual games. a different one but still fun. remember, it's an outdoor game. thx before.




  1. Run play ride ripsticks  

  2. invaders is really fun were you have 2 teams and bases and the other team has to try and nick the objects from your base its hard to explain why dnt you look it up?

  3. smear the q***r...kick a ball into the air and you need to beat the junk out of whoever catches it.  once that person gets beat to s hit and lets go the next person to pick it up gets smeared

  4. im not sure how its called in english but in spanish it is called a jincana.

    you divide the 100 in groups and you set updiffernt mini games...... putting makeup on people with their eyes closed, 3 legged race, pin the tail on the donkey, waterfights, futball tournaments........ and then someone goes marking them points at the end the team with the most points gets some treat

  5. You can Always Play Soccer That is a outdoor game

  6. DISC GOLF..........enough said......if you don't know the sport then  google it- it's the BEST sport ever!

  7. hide and seek lol

  8. -water balloon fights

  9. divide the ppl in half and play capture the flag!

    what you need:

    2 rags of different colors

    2 hula hoops


    something to divide the feild in 2

    how to set up:

    after dividing the feild in 2 equal parts put each hola hoop in a corner and put the 2 rags across from each other on the back of each feild

    how to play:

    the team on the left try to get the right teams flag without getting tagged by the ppl.

    basically the goal is to get the other persons flg without getting tagged in you do get tagged you have to go to jail on the opponents side (go in the hula hoop). to get out one person from your side has to cross over and  tag your hand and make it back to ur side so you can get out. remember they can still tag you when your going back to ur side so be quick.

    how to win:

    get the other persons flag and go back to ur side without being tagged. if tagged put flag back and goto jail.

    sorry if u cant understand my rules!!! have fun

  10. Hide the Salami.

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