
Fun places to go to meet people in Austin?

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Im 22 and single and female and will be living in Austin briefly before moving again on exchange. I was wondering if anyone could give me ideas of cool places to go to meet new people or people to date. I am going to be going alone and dont know anyone there so I will be going to these places alone and dont want to be out of place. Any adive is appreciated.




  1. Try posting on the local craigslist, like in the strictly platonic section.

    Also, the hostel down on Lakeshore Blvd does a lot of social activities like pub crawls and such for other travelers.

  2. I just moved here im 27 and ive been wondering that too,I like the jackalope on 6th and fado on 4th but on the weekends 6th st becomes a meat market so expect some hooting and less than cordial advances.I'll probably see you around.I always wear a pub hat if you see me around say hi and ill buy you a drink.

  3. Head for 6th. Austin, along with New York and Seattle, has the deserved reputation of having the best nightlife in the country. But wherever you go, be careful. I have three daughters I wouldn't want going anywhere alone.

  4. Yeah, you can go to bars, but that's kind of limited.  Check out free festivals and music events in the Chronicle or XL.  There are quite a few groups on, maybe you can find one you like:

  5. Yeah, just go down 6th street on the weekend. I'm more of out-doorsy types so I meet cool people at parks, like Zilker.

    Good Luck

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