
Fun stuff to do with a seven year old boy.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a girl so its hard to think of fun stuff for a 7 year old boy. He enjoys playing outside but the same games and toys get old. Any ideas? thanks!




  1. Get some Nerf guns

  2. play chess, dana, cards, risiko, read books

  3. pretend like he is the catipin of a ship and call him camder if ur tired tell him we are playing a game to see how can slepp for the longest and befor u know it u can rest and have the rest of the day to ur self and u can wach t.v!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. - get a ball and play sort of volley with him:p

    - little cars are the best for a boy. just "drive" them and he will be driven crazy!

    -hide + seek -> THEY L-O-V-E IT! seriously!

    -gameboy/PlayStation/PC games are a good choice as well!

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