
Fun stuff to do with your horse?

by  |  earlier

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Ive been getting bored with the usual,cleaning him, riding him, ground work etc... i was wondering if there is anything fun to do with your horse or for your horse that they will enjoy. thanks i am really bored and want ides from..well you guys!!




  1. Join a riding club to meet new people with similar interests.  If your into it, find a backcounry group that do overnight rides, they are always fun.  Try a new discipline or event that you haven't done before.  Learn to rope, barrel, dressage, something new to you and your horse.  Change barns?  New environment, new people, new places to ride?

  2. trail rides,compete,games,camps,theres loads of stuff I would like to say if you go swimming with him as previously posted make sure someone is with you as not all horse can swim and that could get you in trouble if you were alone...

  3. if u ride western u can go into little competitions like gymkhanas

  4. You can sit with em in the pasture, Take pictures, set up barells side by side and walk then trot inbetween them in a line, jumping, teach him how to bow and do other fun silly tricks! Theres so much to do! Be creative and you never know what fun stuff you could do =]

  5. swim with them?

  6. Tricks ( I have the book and love it!

    Ride Bareback

    Ride w/o a bridle (just a halter and lead)

    Once you get good at the above try it togethor

    If your horse can (and enjoys swimming) you could do that but beware. Not all of them can swim well (a horse in my area nearly drowned with his rider on him cause he got out deeper than he could stand it. He didnt fight to stay up either, just started going under and the trainer had to go in after them)

    Try riding another disipline (western ----> english or

    english ----> western)

    Go trail riding. It is great for the horses mind as well as yours!

    Good luck! This happened to me and ended up switching disiplines (hunter to eventing) in order to not be bored all the time!

  7. Make obstacle courses.

  8. When I want to play around with my horse, I put a halter on him and let him loose in my barn's round pen. Then I chase him, and he's soooo cute. He'll follow me everywhere, and if I jump at him and say BOO, he'll throw up his head and races around the ring. (he's not scared, just happy :) )

    You just have to be careful in the round pen, and make sure your horse respects you, otherwise he could unintentionally hurt you because he's so big, and doesn't realize it, haha.

    You could always go on a trail ride, too.

  9. when we get bored i either go for a swim with them, ride bareback and jump off ranomly (only if you have a VERY sound horse), paint with them -put a paintbrush between there teeth and watch them paint (its so cool. my P.O.A loves it!). umm jsut be creative.. u can always go to a fair or show or something to

  10. Jump! Groom! Grooming is the best way to bond with your horse!!

  11. you can make obsracles, trail ride, canter, um jump them. theres alot of things you can do.

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