
Fun things guinea pigs like to do??

by  |  earlier

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wut can we do together??

wut do u do with ur piggy?




  1. you can cuddle it in your arms and give it smoochiwoochies

  2. put it in one of those big hamster balls and watch it run! =)

    you should get him/her a friend too

  3. Fun things for GP's are walking around and sniffing stuff.  Nibbling and exploring are great to them.

    What to do together?

    Teach him stuff.  He can learn to turn in circles and figure 8's.  He can learn to come on command and whistle on command.

    What do I do?

    I make a "Piggy Disneyland" on my bathroom floor and watch them play.  Use tunnels, treat piles, hay piles, paper bags, cardboard boxes, cat toys and all sorts of household items for them to sniff and play with.

    Put vanilla, lemon and/or mint extract on wood chews.  That's a favorite.  (Just a few drops)

  4. my friend had a piggy for a long time. She said she would let it run free about the room and just chill around. It liked to do a lot of sleeping and eating though, so cuddling I guess. Is yours more active? I guess maybe it depends...

  5. just handle it alot, and carry it around with you. you can also make toys for them, you can take like card board box, and put like foam balls in it and then put like treats in it and other snacks and toys, and evn littler boxes with food in them, then the piggy can have like a giant toy and you can play with it in their, other wise if you dnt llike my idea, just go on google and research it or ask a patstore what they think

  6. well, i have 2 guinea pigs, i dont know if your piggies will do this but my 2 girls do.

    take a empty toilet paper roll, fill it with timothy hay, take your piggies out show it to them and see what they do, mine roll it around and eat it, they really enjoy it, and if you have really tame/smart piggie (2 years or more) you can give them a tennis ball, roll it a foot or 2 away from the piggies and they might just roll it back to you. (mine do it sometimes it depends on alot of things..

    if you just got your guinea pig then you really cant do anything with it for a wile.. untill its tame.. it took my piggies 2months before they started to let me pet them and stuff

  7. they happy no matter what

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