
Fun things to do when you're babysitting?

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Fun things to do when your babysitting a seven and eight year old




  1. crafts are always fun. They are probably easy to find on the internet if you just type in "kids crafts" go to the park.movies.

  2. How about a scavenger or treasure hunt? It's easy enough, can be a learning experience, and will keep all three of you busy. Just come up with questions (easy to semi-hard) of things for the kids to find (indoors or outdoors). For instance, you might ask them to find a book that has both red and blue on it, or if outside, ask them to see if they can find a rock that is shaped like a heart. It'll teach them to work together. Then whenever they've found all the items, you can give them both a parent-approved prize. (Stickers, ice cream, etc, whatever their parents approve of). Good luck.

  3. When I babysit and I have no clue what to do...

    I start to make up some game (just be creative) And I let the kids add on what they like. I also Like to do games like red light green light and tag to get them off their butts. (lol)

    But like the other people have said board games and crafts are good

    you could also try dancing to music or something = ]

  4. crafts definately.

    cooking cupcakes would be fun, and then you could get to ice them and decorate them after with mini marshmallows, M&Ms and cachous.

    i babysat an eight yr old recently and we got chalk and drew hopscotchs on the pavement, and we played netball/.


  6. you could try playing with them, board games, eye spy, do some drawings kids like those kid of things

  7. Remember that babysitting is a job, a responsibility.  Your priority is to attend to the child.  Try to enjoy reading to him/her or playing a game.  Always be alert to the well being of the child.

    Sorry to be so stern about this, but bad things can happen when caregivers do not attend to their job.  After you've done, you can have fun; maybe some money too!

  8. Try these crafts:

    Make mothers day presents for moms, aunts, grandmas, etc..

    mothers day presents:

    Make her a card

    Draw her a picture

    Take pictures of the kids and put them in a photo album with a blank cover.  Have the kids decorate it.

    write her a short story

    This can also go both ways- Father's Day presents.  Both holidays are coming up.

    Father's Day ideas:

    Make him a card

    Draw him a picture

    you can use a lot of the same ideas as the Mother's Day one.

    The kids should have fun and you could even make something!  The parents/guardians will also be happy!!

    Okay... you can also:

    Go for a walk. Playing guessing games and point out interesting objects on your walk.

    Read! Bring a new used book every time you babysit. Make it a habit to have something new for the kids to enjoy each time.

    Bake cookies. If you have experience and permission from parents, bake some simple cookies with the kids.

    Dance! Turn on the music and dance the night away. It's a great way to tire out the kids before nap or bed time too.

    Homework check. Don't forget to ask parents or the kids if they have homework due. If they do, help them out.

    As a very last resort, you could bring along a video the kids have never seen before. Check with their parents first, since the reason they hired you was to take care of their kids and to keep them entertained. It's always better to actually do stuff with the kids. For one, they will always like you best for having fun activities, and two, you won't be rotting their brains.

    Scavenger hunts are big hits with children of all ages. For little ones, you can draw simple pictures of what they should gather, for older ones, write out the list. Have them gather everything on the list in a set amount of time and return to you to see if they have everything. (Hint: don't put anything on the list you don't want to touch!). Reward them with a small treat of some sort for their efforts. This activity is best held outdoors where you can survey the entire yard at once.

    Ask them what they want to do first. There's no need forcing an activity on a child that already has their mind set on something. Plus you want it to be fun for everyone!  If they don't want to do something, they won't have fun and you'll be so focused on them not paying attention that you won't have fun.

    Make sure to clean up!! No parent likes to come home to a mess. Make a game out of picking up the toys at bedtime.

    If the weather is nice and there's a safe, enclosed area outdoors, and if it's okay with the parents, let the child run around outside. Just remember that outside play requires constant supervision.

    If a kid is scared of doing something or doesn't like that game or food, don't make them do it, play it or eat it. They have their reasons.

    It's best not to punish them at all as you are just there to have fun, but if the kid(s) are really acting up, a time out for 5-10 minutes will suffice. Any longer and they will absolutely hate you.

    sidewalk chalk

    jigsaw puzzles (careful that no peices get lost)

    play 'I Spy'

    pretend you are different types of animals.  Take turns acting.  Like walk on all fours and park and wag your tail, then they guess what you are!  (a dog)..  You can all take turns and there's tons of animals to be! :D

    Get creative, make up a game.

    Have fun!


    Super fun :)

  10. They are still young so you can try things like... playing grocery store and you are the clerk and they check out with their food and pay with play money and then reverse roles

    Have them do arts and crafts like "the best day of their life", have them draw it out, and add glitter, stickers, etc. Thats a good one the parents will appreciate when they see it too

    You can play hide and seek, or tag

    You can ask the parents if it is okay and put make up on them and do their hair and have little "run way" shows and if their parents allow you can take pictures too

    Movies are always a good thing, or a tv show such as Hannah Montana, The Suite Life of Zack and Kody, etc

    I hope some of this helps :D

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