
Function of seat belt?

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Function of seat belt?




  1. To keep you in the car so the ambulance drivers don't have to look for the body.

  2. It seems like a simple enough thing, doesn't it?

    Not to mention common sense. If we're buckling up in our cars everyday they will save your life..

  3. to keep your head from smashing into the steering wheel and to keep your body from ending up across the street after an accident (and in older cars they were first developed because when you were in an accident the steering wheel would break off and you would be impaled by the cars steering column)  

  4. To keep you safe???My friend was in a crash last year,long story short,the docter sed if he was wearing a seat belt it would of snapt his neck!!!!!????

  5. The actual function of the seat belt is to keep you in your seat. Think about it like this, back in the good old days of 3 across bench seating in the family car (my neighbor used to Armor-All his seats - talk about slick!), if you were driving and had to avoid something quickly by turning left, you would slide from behind the wheel. Of course you'd be holding onto the wheel, but you'd be unable to adjust your steering input or work the brake or gas pedal properly. Being belted in would allow you to maintain control. Now, if you turned hard to the right, your passenger(s) if not belted, would then slide into YOU, again hampering control of the car. If you're planted squarely behind the controls of your vehicle you can still control the car, instead of hanging on for dear life to the steering wheel praying that you don't hit anything.

    In reality, there is no 100% guaranty that a seat belt will save your life. What it will do is GREATLY improve your chances of survival in a crash, by keeping you in your seat within the crumple zones of your well designed (hopefully) car. Just in case you have stubborn friends that don't like seat belts, tell them that in a bad enough crash, people can be thrown around like toys -- the slang term is "meat-missile". I slid into a fire hydrant one winter night and although I was wearing my belt, I got a concussion from the guy in my back seat who wasn't wearing his. Go figure...

  6. well these answer that people gave you are the "purpose" for a seat belt.

    your probably wondering why does it lock when you are driving sometimes.. well in the main piece which is located towards the top weather its goes into the seat or on the side of the seat has a rocker inside of it..the rocker has teeth on it so when the car stops short or goes  up a hill down a hill the rocker moves and the teeth bite the belt and locks it up.... hope this made some kinda sense to you

  7. to save lives
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