
Functions of the Liver?

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The liver has been called the gatekeeper to the blood because it detoxifies substances entering the blood from the ________ .




  1. Simplest answer to that is:

    From the stomach:

  2. very poorly worded questions.  liver indeed detoxfies substances that enter the liver via the portal vein (portal vein carries nutrition rich blood that from the intestines to the liver). and of course, the stuff reaches the intestine because it has intitally been ingested via the mouth.

    The person below me said aorta, so the liver is a unique organ.  The oxygenated blood that the liver needs for its own function are provided by the hepatic artery (off the celiac trunk which is off of the abodominal aorta); however, the blood that the liver actually detoxifies is the blood that comes to the liver from the intestines.  So, I reassert portal vein.  The blood that enters from the portal vein, enters into liver sinusoids from which it is detoxed.

  3. aorta

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