
Fund-Raising Ideas?!?!!?

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okay i need some fund-raising ideas that would ideally raise quite large sums of money. me and my friend recently visited an orphanage. many of the young babies needed individual operations. one had severe eczema. one had hydrocephalus. one had a cleft palate.

we were so scarred by these poor children's disabilities we have now decided to raise money for them. we are only twelve year old schoolgirls though so even though we will have adults helping out financially, this is something that WE want to do. our school is currently on a huuuuge project for another disabled childrens home so they cant really help.

we REALLY need ideas. these babies are so beautiful, all of them, and they deserve a proper life. i mean hello, growing up in an ORPHANAGE is bad enough. like they need the scars of a cleft palate when theyve already got that drawback.





  1. Ask companies to donate money.

    Do a walk marathon to raise money.

    Gather items to sell as a auction, sell things on ebay promoting awareness.


  2. i recently tried they sell these discount cards for the internet.  you buy them for 1 dollar each up front and sell them for 10 dollars you make 5 per card. so a 50 pack of cards can make you 250 dollars.  might be a place to start.

  3. Cake sale

    Clothing sale

    Onile donation sale on blog / site telling pll about the cause youre doing.

    Carboot sales

  4. I know exactly how you feel.  I started my own charity last year to help out children that are entering into foster care.  I provide each child with a backpack full of comfort and necessity items that is given to them when they are removed from their homes.  I found that I have received most of my donations from just word of mouth.  I put a flyer together and passed it out to parents at my children's elementary school.  I got in touch with some local mother's groups.  I also went to Sam's Club, Target and filled out a request for donation.  I received money to help me buy supplies for my program.

    There are so many companies out there that will allow you to fund raise with them.  You can also work with some local company (normally an independently owned) to see if you could work out something where you get a portion of the profits.  Like a pizza company and you have one night that month for every pizza ordered that someone mentions your company you get a % of those profits.  Then just get out and work like crazy to get the word out and get people to purchase pizza on that night.  Something like that.  Good Luck.  You can check out my website for more information on what I am doing

  5. You girls are teriffic! You got a lot of great ideas already.So here are a few more. Maybe to enlarge the group effort ask a church  group    of teens to help and organize a car wash to start.You need muscle here.Here where I live walmart will let us use their water.Get donations for a raffle, sell the tickets and those are easy to sell. Some ideas for raffle items,ask local businesses to donate to the raffle such as restaurants  a dinner for 2, a spa treatment,hair cut and color, maybe someone would donate an i-pod,a dvd player,a bicycle, manicure and pedicure,a massage treatment, a tv and the list goes on and on. Get the idea?Good Luck girls and God Bless you.

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