
Fund raiser in Las Vegas?

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whats good fundraiser to do in Las Vegas? will tupperware or candles help? we just need to raise about $1000




  1. h**l Yeah.. I'm going to Las Vegas Next Month. Whoopie. If I see a person holding a candy box. I would buy two bars. So please come to the circus circus.. Bye.

  2. If you need to raise $1000.  It might be easy if you do an online Fundraiser.  IF you want to do Tupperware I can set up a site where you will invite your friends and family to log in, view the catalog and place the orders.

    You will receive 40% of the sales.

    This is an EASY way to earn it.

    I'm not sure how the candles companies work, but I would venture to say it is about the same.

    I'm not 100% about being able to shop online.

    Let me know what you think about the Tupperware.  I can have you set up with in a day so that your friends can begin shopping.

    Another idea is to gather great items to raffle off.  Just go to your local businesses, consultants and friends and see what they are willing to donate.

    Then, sell raffle tickets.  I usually sell them for $2 - $5 a piece AND in books of 10 to make it easier to sell.

    Then, you will reach your goal quickly.

    Another great idea is to go to your local Sam's or Costco and ask if you can stand outside and ASK for donations.

    Who is the fundraiser benefitting?  What company?  Charity?  School?

    So many questions.

    Feel free to contact me for more great ideas on how to raise $$ for charities.

    For the past two years, my moms group has been the #1 fundraiser for the Relay for Life in our City.

    Good Luck!!

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