
Funding adoption?

by Guest63214  |  earlier

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My husband & I are adopting our first child Internationally and I'm wondering if anyone knows of any adoption grants that we can apply for? We applied to National adoption foundation.. Any more ideas?




  1. I do understand the pain and sorrow.

    I've had pain and sorrow for 34 years of not knowing my n-family.

    Why don't you adopt out of foster care?  I hear that's relatively inexpensive, and the children who are available for adoption aren't any less deserving of your love than the infant you are dreaming about.

  2. You could adopt through the US foster care system with little to no cost.  

    I don't know of any grants or programs, especially for international adoption.  Good luck to you

  3. There are several organizations who give grants, and/or no interest loans...  I would just Google it to locate them.  Also, don't forget about the tax credit...I believe it's $10.000 per child which doesn't help you up front, I know.  Don't forget the option of raising money thorugh family/friends/selling some of your "stuff", etc.

    As someone who also hopes to adopt one day, I know that the costs can seem overwhelming and if you've had any major infertility treatments, then you've already spent a great deal of money on that.  It's unfortunate that adoption can be so costly.  In my county, there also a program called "fost adopt"  (a county program) which essentially means you're a foster parent with the intention to adopt the child.  If your county is as fortunate as mine to have an understanding county worker, they will do everything they can to match you up with an infant (if this is what you are wanting) and take into consideration anything else.  This is essentially cost free and the several hundred dollars you may pay is tax deductible.  This is an option rather than the $10.000's of thousands of dollars that can be spent on international adoptions.  

    I wish you best as I'm sure your intentions are pure.  I understand where you are coming from, so please do not be discouraged by those who do not.  Merry Christmas!!!

  4. Hi Funding,

    Let's see if we have the situation straight:

    You want a child from another country (Guessing a baby.)

    You cannot afford the outrageous fees.

    You want a grant (grants mean you don't have to pay it back.)

    Couples who do not have children are still good.  Really.  You still could end up having a biological one, you never know.  You say month after month goes by and still no child.  If you enlarged the possibilities of children you would be willing to adopt, you would find the process would go much faster.  You might be interested to know there are also many children in need of homes right here in America.  No need to go abroad to get a child once you qualify.  And since finances might be a concern for you, you should be delighted to know the expenses relating to a child from the foster care system are minimal to none.

    Keep in mind that adopting is just the beginning of your expenses involving a child.  There will be many more.  Your homestudy will reveal if you qualify.  You do not need to be rich to adopt.  You do need to have enough, and you do need to be financially responsible with managing what you do have.  

    If you truly have your heart set on adopting a child from around the world, then here are a few more suggestions:  

    You could both work and save up extra money first.

    You could cut back on expenses and put that extra money aside in your adoption account.

    You could sell things you do not need to raise extra cash.

    You could take out a loan on your home or borrow from family.

    I hope at least one of these suggestions will help.  It should work if your home has otherwise been found suitable as an adoptive home.  In the meantime, may I recommend using your waiting time as a chance to learn as much as you can about raising adopted children.  Their needs are different from biological children's.  Educate yourself on your future child's culture.  Read natural mother's blogs.  Read adult adoptee blogs and books to gain greater understanding of the full picture.  Research as much as you can from different sources, not just adoptive parents sources.  

    Good luck,

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  5. I'm not sure about any grants, but check with your employers. Some give money for adopting. You could also do fund raisers with your family or church if you belong to one. I've seen ebay sales for funding adoptions too. Check out this website for other ideas:

    Good Luck! Adoption is wonderful!

    Additional info: I've been in your shoes...month after month of not getting pregnant. Our ins covered out infertility treatments. We re-did our mtg to adopt. Do what you have to to adopt. I can't tell you the joy we feel! It seems some people don't understand that not getting pregnant is another kind of loss. You have my support!

    And I didn't recommend the agency...just feel they have some good ideas for funding....big difference.

  6. This is how I did it, and I am a single woman who adopted internationally.  What I did is worked my butt off for over a year.  I worked day and night, and sold extra things I didn't need - like a second junker car, and my spa.  I took PB and J sandwiches to work every day instead of eating out.  I saved about $14,000 in one year this way.  so if one single person can do this, I am sure that a couple can do it together.  I would say that if you don't want to do something like refinance your home, and you don't want to take out loans, then both of you get second jobs, and work for a year.  I am sure between 2 people you can do it.  I don't know anything about the size of your home, but some people sell a large expensive home and buy a smaller more reasonable home and use the profit for adoption expenses.  Believe me, where there is a will there is a way.

  7. I am not trying to sound cruel, but do you realize that there are costs after the adoption?  Are you going to look for a grant to cover those as well?

    Thousands of children are adopted every year.  If there was a grant available, the money is probably gone now.

  8. Here's an idea!

    Pay for it yourself?!

    When I was pregnant with my first child, I worked two jobs, I had a regular day-job, and an evening job at a big-box retailer.  I didn't expect anyone to fund that for me-why do you expect others to finance your desires?

    In case you haven't read it, here's UNICEF's position on international adoption:

    Why not have a fundraiser to help a poor, desperate woman keep her child instead of taking her child to another country to raise as your 'own'.  THAT, would be a humanitarian act.
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